Speech of Peron of October 17, 1945 | The …


Since the time of the Mexican Revolution until the middle of the twentieth century no other political and social process like the Peronism he has so touched Latin America. Despite having as international enemies the international media companies who called it dictatorship facistoïde, had emerged as popular movement with the workers' uprising of October 17, 1945
to release Perón, prisoner of the gorilla wing of the army. A few months later, they came to the government in the first democratic elections since the military coup of 1930 to share power with sectors of the middle class and national industry. Juan Perón
He was the mentor and leader of an original social revolution with a Latin American vocation.
, which began to change Argentina from an emancipatory alternative.

What was the world at that time? The Second World War had killed 50 million people; the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ushered in nuclear terror. Far from consolidating a future of peace, another colonial formation began in Yalta and Potsdam. The five winning powers vetoed the United Nations Strategic Security Council. The market and resources of Africa, Latin America and Asia were at the mercy of the Euro-American companies and Eastern Europe, under the domination of the military occupation of Stalin. The cold war has begun.

Faced with this scenario, south of the south an alternative light appeared: Juan Perón, posed the third position against the two world power blocs: the inhuman exploitation of North American and European neo-colonialism, and the bloody dictatorship of Stalinism. The originality of Perón and his army of small, black, shirtless heads was not to get caught up in right or left ideological codes: he saved the independence legacy of Bolívar, San Martín, Belgrano, Artigas, Sucre, Martí.

Argentina of the forties was a country of European servitudes; the national conscience was numb, the workers helpless. When we filmed Perón at Puerta de Hierro, he remembered her as follows: "The social state of the country was miserable. There were pawns that earned 12 pesos a month … the country was a busy country, a colony of British imperialism and all services were also British. "

Colonel Perón creates the Secretary for Labor and Social Affairs -27 / 11 / 43- and assumes the defense of the workers as if it had a clear destiny: "… maybe to be because it has long felt before vibrating the total revolution of the people and I was determined to burn myself in an epic and sacred flame to illuminate the path of victory. "

Contact with the workers, Perón promotes advanced labor law reforms, such as pawn status(minimum wage and better conditions of food, housing and work); social security and retirement which benefited 2 million workers; bonuses and salary improvements for all workers; the trade unions are recognized as professional associations and the unions are born by branch, which is the great strength of the Argentine unionism; Years later, for the first time in the world, collective labor contracts were born ….

In a little over two years -1943 / 1945- Perón promotes an anti-oligarchic and decolonizing popular movement that wakes up the oligarchic-military reaction. By order of Colonel Eduardo Avalos – Chief of Field of May – Perón is confined in the island Martín García. From there, he wrote to Evita, "My love: as soon as I get out of here, we will get married and live in peace anywhere. The bad thing about this country is the existence of so many idiots. Take care of yourself and love me a lot because I need your love more than ever.

In just two years of preparation, Perón comes to the government with a project planned by the National Council of the post-war and not published on the mainland. It is proposed to nationalize the central bank, bank credit, foreign trade, ports and utilities. The five-year plans will achieve 76,000 public works – more schools and hospitals than in any national history – and an unprecedented development of our industry and our technology.

he October 17, 45, the general mobilization of workers from Berisso, Ensenada, Avellaneda, Lanús, San Martín … it occupies the city and camp on the Plaza de Mayo demanding the release of its leader. Perón is driven to Casa Rosada at dusk. Senior military commanders are waiting for him. Perón told us this historical scene: "The de facto general Farrell, de facto president, said to me:" Tell me Perón: what must be done? "Call elections, my general … what are you waiting for?" Farrell ordered "In six months before the elections". We shook hands and said 'I'm leaving'. & # 39; Stop laughing. These crazy people are going to burn the government house, go out on the balcony and talk to them about leaving. "

"Indeed, when I arrived on the balcony with all the stories of the day, I did not even know what I was going to tell them … there were about a million people in the square … So, I told them asked to sing the anthem to think a little about what they were. I was going to tell them and talked to them: "I have often attended meetings with workers, but this time, I will feel a real pride for Argentina because I'm interpreting this collective movement as the rebirth of a working-class conscience which is the only thing that can make the country great and immortal … (..)RejoinBe more brothers today than ever… on the fraternity of those who work, the unity of all Argentineans must rise … "

Today, October 17, his words continue to be heard or repeated as an echo, a backup music or a prophecy of the Fatherland silently waiting on Sunday the 27th to bury with a mountain greeting the neoliberal nefarious adventure: "Join ..! on the fraternity of those who work, the unity of all Argentineans must rise … "

National Senator of the South Project.


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