Spicy round trip between Alberto Fernández and Diego Leuco on Telenoche


Alberto Fernández and journalist Diego Leuco had an intense round trip in the middle of an interview granted by the president of Frente de Todos Telenoche.

It all started when the driver asked a question about inflation and said: "There is a very high budget deficit in Argentina and there are basically two ways to solve it: either by issuing money, like Kirchnerism in During the 12 years of management, that is to say by contracting debts what Mauricio Macri did, you, which of the two paths would you choose if you are elected president? "

"But inflation has nothing to do with it either," reprimanded Fernández. And when he began to explain why he had made this statement, Leuco insisted: "Do you think the problem does not generate inflation?" It was there when the first crossing took place. "I did not say such a peck. If you let me finish, you'd do me a huge favorDiego. He had been talking for several months alone, let me talk for so little time, "replied the candidate who followed his explanations. What he said, it is this: Argentina has shown that she could stop her demand, stop her monetary problem and have a magnificent inflation that Macri has built, "she said. he continued, with a touch of irony.

The interview continued unabated until, a few minutes later, Leuco asked him a question that bothered him about the connection Kirchnerism had established with Chavismo: "Will the relationship with Venezuela change? if you win or go do you have to understand this relationship as Cristina had it? "There the second crossing was lived. "Diego, if you want to interview CristinaFernández said angrily, to which Leuco replied: "He does not give interviews, that's why. "It's his problem and if he wants to do a history program, we'll do it another day," he added.


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