Spoken portraits and more details of President Duque’s helicopter attack in Cúcuta revealed


Photograph provided this Friday by the Colombian Presidency which shows the bullet holes in the helicopter in which Colombian President Iván Duque was traveling to Cúcuta (Colombia).  EFE / César Carrión / Presidency of Colombia
Photograph given this Friday by the Colombian presidency which shows the bullet holes in the helicopter in which the Colombian president, Iván Duque, was traveling to Cúcuta (Colombia). EFE / César Carrión / Presidency of Colombia

The authorities have prioritized the investigation of those responsible for the shootings that hit the FAC 007 helicopter, in which President Iván Duque, Defense Minister Diego Molano, Interior Minister Diego Palacios, Governor de Norte de Santander and a senator, in the city of Cúcuta. This Sunday, they revealed the spoken portraits of the two suspected gunmen who shot the plane.

For the moment, according to the Minister of Defense, the authorities have established that in Cúcuta a Criminal alliance between the urban front of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the dissidents of the extinct guerrillas of FARC GAR Front 33, who commit crimes in Norte de Santander, are present in Venezuela and are believed to be at the origin of the attack.

Molano assured that the police have obtained remarkable results in the fight against these groups and stressed that more than 10 tons of cocaine were seized, 316 laboratories were destroyed, 40 arrests were made, 53 from the ELN and a total of 93 criminals were subjugated, demobilized, captured or killed.

“We will continue unabated until we capture and bring to justice those responsible for this cowardly act,” Minister Molano said.

The Director of the National Police, General Jorge Luis Vargas, stressed that It brought to light 84 investigators under the command of the director of Dijin and the director of intelligence of the institution of Cúcuta, as well as a military intelligence team made up of more than 150 people with an exclusive dedication to the capture of those responsible.

“Forensic genetics were performed in ballistics and fingerprints, It was possible to identify that the FAL rifle is a rifle of Belgian origin, assembled, which was collected from international organizations, in Venezuela. The AK 47 rifle is a Kalashnikov rifle made in East Germany, ballistic tests are underway, ”Vargas said.

AK-47 rifles and an FAL 7-62 bearing the marks of the Armed Forces of Venezuela were found about 1.2 kilometers from Camilo Daza airport in Cúcuta, from where the presidential delegation took off, in the neighborhood of The Conquista. In addition to the weapons, five suppliers and 20 vanillas were found which match the rifles found, according to the general, which are said to be South African, Chinese, Venezuelan, Russian and Iranian made.

“Today, it is allowed to inform the public and we hope that from these spoken portraits, which were produced with all judicial techniques, within the framework of the methodological program designed between the general prosecutor’s office and the national police , identify and individualize the people to whom these spoken portraits were takenVargas said.

Spoken portraits of those responsible for the attack on the helicopter in which Iván Duque was traveling in Cúcuta.  Photo: Ministry of Defense.
Spoken portraits of those responsible for the attack on the helicopter in which Iván Duque was traveling in Cúcuta. Photo: Ministry of Defense.

These are two spoken portraits of two men, apparently young, who would have taken the pictures and for whom the authorities offer up to 3,000 million pesos as a reward for recovering his capture.

General Vargas claimed that information was gathered about communications from the Camilo Daza airport sector in Cúcuta, cameras at the airport and other areas of the city were examined, through which more than 200 hours records were obtained and interviews with staff were conducted.

The numbers for information are: 3213945367 and 3143587212, in which, according to the authorities, there is an absolute reservation“With these teams, the best researchers have traveled to ensure the safety of those providing information,” they said.

This Monday, in addition, senior military commanders will be sent to a security council in Cúcuta, where it is expected to assess the situation of public order. The city is under declaration of maximum alert, because a few weeks ago the 30th brigade of the army was attacked by a car bomb inside military installations.


The story of Ernesto Macías, who was with President Duque in the helicopter shot in Cúcuta
“We are trained to keep calm”: the pilot of the helicopter in which President Duque was traveling speaks

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