Spray in the first person: "It is difficult to travel in life, especially in adolescence"


Since 2007, each February 18 commemorate the International Day of People with Asperger's Syndrome in memory of the birth of the pediatrician and Austrian researcher Hans Asperger, who conducted studies on autism spectrum disorders, especially in children

From the Asperger Association, Argentina defines Asperger's Syndrome (HER) as "a condition of neurological development and variation of development that is incorporated into the Autism Spectrum Disorders (TEA), which accompanies people throughout their lives, influences their way of making sense of the world, of handling information and of being in contact with each other ".

According to the latest statistics of Argentine Association of Parents of Autistic Boys (APAdeA)Currently, there are 400,000 people with autism or ASD in Argentina, which includes all diseases, including Asperger's Syndrome.

  • Mauro Colombo, Bachelor's degree in Psychology specialist in behavioral badysis applied in developmental disorders explained in PROFILE What are the characteristics of people with Asperger's syndrome: "They have some difficulties in terms of socialization, ability to empathize and put themselves in the other's shoes". He also pointed out that "there is usually a literalness in the language and limited interests, when they like something in the beginning, it is difficult for them to stop talking about it."

Regarding the detection of the syndrome at an early age, Colombo said that "they are not necessarily detected during the first years of life, because they are children who have developed a normal language and who do not have problems with gross or fine motor skills ". "The first difficulties start to be noticed when they come into contact with other pairs," he said.

testimonials dia international sindrome asperger

Analía Infante is married, lives in La Plata, has an autistic son and discovered a few years ago that she was suffering from Asperger's Syndrome: "What happened to a lot of people m & # 39; When they arrive, they spend their whole lives searching for a diagnosis, and having characteristics that conflict with society is difficult to go through life and especially adolescence, "he lamented.

Although Analía had panic attacks, she took treatments for depression and told her that she might have social phobia today. via "Atypical Maternity", his Facebook page, helps people with AS and parents of children who also have this condition.

"When I got my diagnosis from AS, I left the closet and I started writing in the first person, telling experiences and techniques that served me, and then I I started to multiply myself, "he said. In addition, he created the group "Insurgencia Asperger", composed of adults with SA to share their experiences and disseminate their activities.

testimonials dia international sindrome asperger

"Music is my life, my fuel, my reason for being," he said. Gastón Perile a PROFILE. He is 47 years old, lives in Avellaneda and was diagnosed by SA in 2015. Under his pseudonym "GC Richad", he is present on the social networks and with his group "The Killer Moe", he recorded several songs on your channel Youtube. "One of the albums is called Asper and the ntThese are songs that almost all mine help me every time I play them to calm the anxieties, "he said.

At age 9, her mother, noticing that she was doing movements with hands and drawings in the air, wrote it in drums lessons. Today, Gastón plays keyboard, guitar and drums and he also acknowledged that it was about his "therapy" with psychologists. And with her 18-year-old son, she shares a pbadion for music.

Gastón stated that when he learned that he had Asperger, "I stopped being NN, I had a personal identity". "Before, I kept quiet and let my personality go," he added. His best friend "treated him like Asperger before he knew it", which is why they have been together for over 30 years.

As soon as he learned that he was Asperger's, he decided to search for more people with the same syndrome and he joined the Asperger's Association in Argentina. There he met other people and with Juan, who always wore a t-shirt with a Flash Superhero flash, they formed La Liga Asperger 7. "We created a league against hypocrisy and the lie in the world, "he said. As of 2015, he is actively working in the group and giving lectures to raise public awareness about Asperger's.

testimonials dia international sindrome asperger

Lautaro Saavedra at 13, is a teenager at Asperger's and lives in San Fernando with his family. In 2018, she was an escort and received the Best Effort Award. In less than a month, she started high school. "Child, he did not control his share of emotion, he quickly became frustrated, he raised his voice a little and he was already sad and anxious all day," said Patricia, his mother, who is Vocal 1 of TGD Parent TEA Association in this community.

"In the garden of room 4, we had to explain to him that he had to align with the boys, and I have to explain the big jokes and the propaganda, he does not capture all that, they are totally literal", he declared. He also expressed his desire to "help and give him the tools so that he can develop".

The NGO TGD Padres TEA works all over the country with different places and it serves as a space of containment and information for parents and loved ones of children with Asperger's syndrome. "No one can understand me better than a mother who has the same boy with the same difficulties," Patricia concluded.

A.P / D.S.


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