Sputnik: delays in the departure of the airline’s plane …


Due to a snowstorm in Moscow, the departure of the plane with Sputnik V vaccines to Argentina is delayed. The government confirmed that the ship was being delayed “due to climatic factors”. Given this delay, the 400,000 doses will arrive in the country this Friday, but not at noon as planned, but in the afternoon.

“It is delayed, in principle, three hours because of a snowstorm,” they assured the national executive. Takeoff was scheduled for 2 a.m. (Russian time) but was postponed, at least, to 5 a.m. Until the closing of this note, the 400,000 doses of the Sputnik vaccine had not been loaded.

With this shipment, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (DRIF) and the Gamaleya Institute are meeting the delivery commitment for this week. President Alberto Fernández had received the pledge from Russian President himself, Vladimir Putin, who also announced that a million doses per week will arrive after next Monday.

It should be noted that to date Argentina has received 820 thousand doses: fThey were 300,000 in December, with whom the vaccination plan began, and 520,000 in January.


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