Sputnik, the Argentinian favorite vaccine | Pa …


Nearly eight in ten Argentines are ready to apply the Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 today. The data comes from the Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (Celag), which points out that the acceptance of the vaccine produced by the Gamaleya Institute increased by more than twenty percent compared to the last measurement, in November 2020. This level of approval places the doses of Sputnik as the popular favorite, a cut above the Astrazeneca and Sinopharm vaccines, and erases with a stroke of a pen the unusual denunciation of the opposition, which accused the national government of “poisoning” to want to immunize the population with vaccines.

In addition, the report underlines that when prioritizing the social goals to be achieved in 2021, “be able to get vaccinated against covid19»Governs the preferences of respondents, followed by the axis of having their own housing or renovating, which had been the main aspiration of Argentines.

The recent study – consulted by Página / 12 – is the eighth quantitative study of Celag’s opinion on the social and political situation in Argentina. The methodology was based on telephone interviews conducted with 2,701 people from different provinces between February 8 and March 3, 2021.

Regarding the comprehensive reform of the health system – something Cristina Kirchner alluded to a few months ago – a majority part of society (54%) was in favor, as this would imply a single, free, accessible public system. to all. similarly, while on the contrary, 44% choose to support the current structure of the health system, that is to say with the presence of social assistance and prepaid services.

Disaggregated by social class, the biggest difference is found: among people with the lowest incomes, the demand for reform of the health system reaches 70%.

Alberto’s image and the legislative elections

According to the report, President Alberto Fernández maintains a positive image of 50.1 of his administration. The negative is 48.8 and the remaining universe remains undecided.

The study also examines citizens’ perceptions of the national government’s health balance. In this sense, more than half of Argentines (52%) approve of the management of the national government in relation to the pandemic.

Faced with the legislative elections of 2021, with a lack of definition of 31% (among white-voids, would not vote or did not know / would not answer), Frente de Todos would lead preferences with 30% voting intention, followed by the space Together for change, which would get 24% of the vote.

In terms of the perception of inequalities and the distribution of income in the country, we observe that an overwhelming majority (84%) considers that “the differences in income in Argentina are unfair and do not take into account the effort that each one makes in his work ”, a question that crosses the entire political arena. But in addition, these inequalities around the benefits obtained by large entrepreneurs are also questioned, since 62% of citizens agree with the need to limit their profits by the government to resolve the economic crisis in this way.


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