Sputnik V: a Chinese company will produce 60 million …


the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) signed a cooperation agreement with one of the leading biotechnology companies China, Shenzhen Yuanxing Gene-tech Co. Ltd., para produce 60 million doses of the Russian coronavirus vaccine.

This amount, the entities reported in a joint statement released on Monday, will be enough to vaccinate 30 million people. According to forecasts, commercial production in China is expected to “start in May 2021”.

“Cooperation with Shenzhen Yuanxing Gene-tech will allow us to produce Sputnik V in China, thus increasing the ability to supply additional quantities as demand for Russian vaccine increases globally“said Kirill Dmitriev, executive director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, who called the product” one of the best coronavirus vaccines in the world. “

The vaccine, details the statement, is based on a “proven and well-studied human adenoviral vector platform” and uses “two different vectors for the two injections in a vaccination cycle, providing immunity lasting longer than vaccines. Using the same delivery mechanism for both injections. “

The efficiency of Sputnik V, already registered in 57 countries around the world, is 91.6%, according to data published in The Lancet magazine.


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