Sputnik V is 83.1% effective against the Delta variant, more than Pfizer and Moderna – Telam


The efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine against the Delta variant of the coronavirus was 83.1% against symptomatic infection and 94.4% against hospitalizations.  (Photo Carlos Brigo)

The efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine against the Delta variant of the coronavirus was 83.1% against symptomatic infection and 94.4% against hospitalizations. (Photo Carlos Brigo)

The effectiveness of the vaccine Sputnik V compared to the Delta variant of the coronavirus was 83.1% vs symptomatic infection and of 94.4% in front of hospitalizations, reported this Wednesday the Ministry of Health of Russia, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the registration in this country of the inoculant developed by the Instituto Gamalea.

According to the developers of the Sptunik V in social networks, “this is the highest efficiency compared to the estimate 76% modern and of 42% Pfizer“Before the Delta variant first found in India and which is considered ‘of concern’ by the World Health Organization (WHO) because it has been shown to be more contagious.

“The vaccine is 83.1% effective and shows a 6-fold reduction in the risk of infection. Sputnik V is also 94.4% effective against hospitalizations with an 18-fold reduction in the risk of hospitalization.” A noted the press release on the results of the studies. carried out by the Russian Ministry of Health.

The Gamaleya Center had carried out a study on the neutralizing activity of sera from individuals vaccinated with Sputnik V against new variants of the coronavirus, the results of which were published in the medical journal Vaccines.

“The Sputnik V vaccination produced protective neutralizing titers against new variants, including Alpha B.1.1.7 (first identified in UK), Beta B.1.351 (first identified in South Africa ), Gamma P. 1 (first identified in Brazil), Delta B.1.617.2 and B.1.617.3 (first identified in India) and endemic variants of Mosc B.1.1.141 and B .1.1.317 with mutations in the field of union to the receptor (RBD) “, recalls the press release.

And he added that “heData confirms Sputnik V continues to protect against newly detected variants and retains one of the best settings for safety and efficacy“.


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