Sputnik V made in Argentina: the Richmond laboratory will today reach 4.7 million vaccines delivered to speed up vaccination schedules


The Richmond laboratories announced today that they will deliver to the health authorities in the coming hours a new batch of 1,600,000 doses of component two of the Sputnik V vaccine, prepared in its factory in Pilar, Buenos Aires.
The Richmond laboratories announced today that they will deliver to health authorities in the coming hours a new batch of 1,600,000 doses of component 2 of the Sputnik V vaccine, prepared at its factory in Pilar, Buenos Aires.

Domestic production of Sputnik V does not stop. According to the figures to which he had access Infobae, Today, Richmond will release 1.6 million of Component 2 to the Nation’s health authorities; This will be in addition to those already produced: 1,179,000 million for component 1 and 1.9 million for component 2. This will give a certain number of vaccines already delivered to the National Health Authorities to be distributed throughout the country of 4.7 million doses.

Sources from the Richmond laboratory confirmed to Infobae that the figure of 8 million components produced and actually delivered is 4.7 million, adding to the 1.6 million that will be released today.

By next week, Richmond hopes to achieve 10 million doses produced of the two components in the country, in order to complete essential vaccination schedules and to aspire, in the first place, to the concept of “fully vaccinated societies”, with 70% of vaccinated with two doses; then to reach 90% of the vaccinated population, collective immunity so invoked.

Now it remains to untangle the ball around the Sputnik vaccine to follow its development plot and final approvals at the three levels that matter: local, regional and global.

Las objeciones científicas existen y se multiplican alrededor del proceso de fabricación de Sputnik V en una planta productora rusa en Ufa -the capital of the República de Baskortostán- retrasando así el visto bueno de la OMS, que hasta hoy t suspendido el proceso de revise the vaccine. To this is added the travel stocks for the vaccinated with the creation of the Gamaleya Institute, according to the new travel regulations that the United States is preparing to enter the country from November.

That is, in the midst of a global pandemic and despite the fact that national regulators in each country- As is the case of local ANMATs – they are autarkic and independent, the weight of the approvals of international organizations has a strong impact on each scientific development. In addition, Sputnik V has not been approved by any of the two most important regulators in the world, neither the European EMA, nor the North American FDA.

As he could know Infobae, negotiations between the producers of the Sputnik V vaccine and the WHO regarding the approval of the Russian vaccine are continuing in a constructive manner, and a WHO delegation is expected to visit Russia in October to unlock the final seal.

Of the seven COVID-19 vaccines approved by the WHO that have already reached what is known as gold standard are listed: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and its Indian counterpart Covishield, Johnson & Johnson / Janssen and the Chinese vaccines Sinopharm and Sinovac.

First and second vaccinated

The new US country entry plan requires the majority of non-nationals who wish to enter the country to be vaccinated with developments approved by the FDA or WHO. In the Argentinian case, there are nearly 11 million inoculated with Sputnik V and this volume is raising attention around the stocks the world may possibly place on the vaccine due to lack of WHO approval.

This is the first vaccine approved in Argentina against COVID-19. The national state acquired 25 million direct doses from Russia and later added a domestic manufacturer – for components 1 and 2 and for the whole region: Richmond Laboratories, which will initially produce in alliance with Gamaleya then, with its own factory across, will be an independent supplier of the formulas. Thus, Sputnik V has become one of the pillars of the country’s strategic vaccination plan, having inoculated 11 million Argentines.

To date, the Argentine laboratory has delivered 1,179,625 doses of the first component of the vaccine to the national health authority, and 1,949,500 of component 2, for a total of 3,129,125 vaccines.  To this will be added today's shipment of 1,600,000 doses, which would reach a total of over 4.7 million produced in Argentina.
To date, the Argentine laboratory has delivered 1,179,625 doses of the first component of the vaccine to the national health authority, and 1,949,500 of component 2, for a total of 3,129,125 vaccines. To this will be added today’s shipment of 1,600,000 doses, which would reach a total of over 4.7 million produced in Argentina.

Buenos Aires City Health Minister Fernán Quirós has made his position clear on the pending approvals around Sputnik: “It would be more reasonable for countries to accept as vaccinated those who have the complete scheme that governs each country. I think this is the most correct because each country is autonomous and each country has the right to define the vaccination scheme that it considers valid ”.

It should also be noted that the WHO issue is an administrative issue and not an efficacy or safety issue, so it is not appropriate for anyone to ask to stop vaccinating with this platform as there is concern now that we are starting to emerge from the pandemic. .

The voice of Quirós was joined by the former head of PAMI during the government of Mauricio Macri, Dr Carlos Regazzoni. “Everything going on around the approval of the Sputnik V vaccine has nothing to do with science. The vaccine is safe and very effective, ”he said, referring to the delay imposed by the WHO in its approval.

The Sputnik V vaccine has been acquired and distributed in more than 70 countries around the world, covering 50% of the world’s population. Argentina was the first country in Latin America to approve the use of Sputnik V, as well as the first country in the region to start applying the Russian vaccine. The recording was made by means of an emergency use authorization (emergency use authorization) as received the majority of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide.

Vaccination began in Argentina on December 29, 2020. And the Russian Direct Investment Fund, (RDIF) and its partners have carried out a technology transfer so that the Richmond Laboratories can undertake regional production and Sputnik V website which started in April 2021.

The WHO said this week it was suspending the vaccine review process, arguing it had detected manufacturing problems at a factory in Ufa city.  (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
The WHO said this week it was suspending the vaccine review process, arguing it had detected manufacturing problems at a factory in Ufa city. (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)

There were other public questions about the Sputnik V vaccine, one was from Brazilian regulator Anvisa from samples they themselves analyzed. Anvisa said the second injection (the component of adenovirus 5) was “capable of replicating”. This means that once inside the body, the adenovirus could continue to multiply. In this regard and consulted this time by Infobae, Oscar Cinngolani, cardiologist and researcher at Johns Hopkins University, said: “The best way for the Russian Scientific Institute Gamaleya to confront this information about its vaccine is to transparently open its research documents that support the discovery and production processes of the Sputnik V vaccine, which is already exported to many countries. worldwide”.


New U.S. travel regulations close the door to people vaccinated with Sputnik V
WHO delegation to visit Russia in October to unlock approval for Sputnik V vaccine
New science claim for Brazil and Russia to resolve objections to Sputnik V’s security

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