Sputnik V: more than 500,000 bonaers have already registered …


Despite the Sputnik V vaccine campaign, 550,000 Buenos Aires residents have already booked a ride to receive the demand and a third of them are over 60, according to Buenos Aires Minister of Health Daniel Gollan, although that there is always the Anmat Approval for this age segment of the business.

The data comes from the “Vacunate” website, which the provincial government made available to its citizens after the first 300,000 doses of the vaccine produced by the Gamaleya Institute of Russia arrived in the country.

“We have allocated 123,000 vaccines, they will finish this week to be delivered to the 160 hospitals of the 135 municipalities of Buenos Aires which apply the vaccine to health personnel in the most exposed areas”, explained Gollan during a conference press release in San Bernardo, with Governor Axel Kicillof.

The Minister of Health explained that in this first step, 17,347 members of health personnel will be vaccinated and then it will be the turn of another equivalent group. While waiting for the arrival of new doses in January – 5 million additional doses are committed, 4 million for the first dose and one million for the second dose – the inhabitants of Buenos Aires have already started to register.

“36% of those registered are over 60 years old,” Gollan explained, adding that “as soon as we get permission, we will vaccinate over 60s, but we still don’t have permission to the Annat “.

On the other hand, 24% per cent of the people listed are people between 18 and 59 years old without a risk pathology and 15% between 18 and 59 years old with risk pathologies. In addition, 12% of the 551,509 enrolled are teachers and assistants; 8% of health personnel (not intensivists); 3% intensive care health personnel and 2% security personnel.

At the start of the vaccination campaign, a day before the end of the year, Governor Axel Kicillof celebrated that the cure had started on that day, although the vaccination of the entire population probably took six months longer. The president, one of the first to apply the vaccine as a sign of the population’s confidence in the face of anti-vaccine speeches, assured that “being vaccinated is an act of love”.


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