Sputnik V: Oliver Stone received the Russian vaccine | “NOT …


Director Oliver Stone assured that a few days ago he had received the Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus. The American director confirmed this to various media and declared that so far “he has only received the first dose”.

“I still do not know how effective the Russian vaccine is, but I have heard many positive reactions,” said the director of Section and JFK at the TASS agency. Stone took the opportunity to get vaccinated when he arrived in Russia to film a documentary.

“I don’t understand why it is being ignored in the West, the press is just silent on all the news,” the three Oscar winner added to the Piervi channel.. Stone defended the vaccine, criticizing that “in its madness the United States considers Russia and China to be hostile countries.” He stressed that Moscow and Beijing “can be excellent partners for his country and” build the future together “, although he stressed that” the problem is that not everyone understands it “.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia was the first country in the world to register a vaccine against Covid-19 after passing the test phases. The vaccine is administered in two doses with an interval of 21 days and has two components: the first, based on human adenovirus type 26, and the second on recombinant human adenovirus type 5. The total price is less than 20 dollars.

The vaccination process in Russia started on December 5, after tests that showed an effectiveness of more than 90% in the third phase of the clinical trial.


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