Sputnik V: one million unregistered Russians vaccinated


The director of the Gamaleya research center, Alexander Guintsburg, reported that more than one million Russian citizens received the Sputnik vaccine V versus covid-19 without being detected adverse reactions, beyond certain cases of fever in the days following inoculation.

According to information published by Russian media Sputnik, the microbiologist noted that the Ministry of Health and the Federal Health Surveillance Service monitor the condition of vaccinated patients and, so far, they have found that no adverse effects other than those identified at the test stage were recorded.

About 100,000 doses of the drug enter civilian traffic each day, which has already been applied to more than a million people, Guintsburg said.

The results obtained during phase 3 of the Sputnik V clinical trials, designed using the technology of non-living human adenoviruses from two different vectors (Ad26 and Ad5 applied in two injections) showed that the effectiveness of the drug is 91.4 percent. These vectors are adenovirals and not live human adenoviruses so they do not multiply and are harmless to health, it should also be remembered that the two vector platform already exists and was used for the creation of other vaccines.

Mass vaccination in Russia began in early December. To date, it has 3.2 million cases and 58,706 deaths from the pandemic.

Initially, Sputnik V was only accessible to health, education and social service workers between the ages of 18 and 60 and without chronic illnesses. As of Monday, the vaccination of over 60s began.


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