Sputnik V raffles tickets to Russia to receive vaccine doses by meeting only one requirement | the Chronicle


The Gamaleya Center, which developed the Russian vaccine Sputnik V against coronavirus, gives tickets to get vaccinated in Russia through a raffle and on condition that people follow the official account of this antiviral. According to reports, the trips would start in July.

After the good news reported by the Russian authorities, who claim that the vaccine Sputnik V could guarantee people’s immunity for up to two years and with equal effectiveness in all age groups, according to the official record, they indicated that the goal is “save lives and restore normalcy for everyone in the world”, mission only for the creators of the antiviral “this is of the utmost importance”.

Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya center.

“The duration of the immunological effects of this vaccine will be very long. We hope it will be two years or more.”, Express Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute, where the Russian vaccine was developed.

“Tell your friends to follow Sputnik V on Twitter! Our social media followers will be the first to be invited to #SputnikVaccinated in Russia at the start of the show.”, was the tweet published by the laboratory that developed one of the 3 Russian vaccines against Covid-19.

In addition, in another tweet, from the official account of the main Russian vaccine, they clarified that the publication “it wasn’t an april fool’s joke”, but they really work “to start this program in July”.

The application of the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina

More than 50 countries around the world apply the Sputnik V vaccine daily. Argentina has already received seven shipments of these vaccines: December 24, 2020, 300 150 first components of Sputnik V; on January 16, 300,000 second members; on January 28, 220,000 additional doses of the same vaccine, divided equally between the two components; On February 12, 400,690 other first applications of Sputnik V.

With the arrival this Friday of a new shipment from China, Argentina received 6,768,755 doses of coronavirus vaccine since December 24, while this weekend a new delivery of Sputnik V.

The online register, which allows real-time monitoring of the vaccination operation, also shows that There are already 3,412,842 people who have received one dose and 682,423 who have been inoculated with both.

The Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology announced that it had developed the vaccine in May 2020, while preliminary human trials began on June 18, with nine volunteers on the main vaccine and nine testing the callback version.

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the use of the vaccine in August 2020. Finally, on February 2, 2021, an interim review of the trial was published in The Lancet, which reports 91.6% effectiveness with no unwanted side effects.


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