Sputnik V: Russia has agreed with France, Germany, Spain and Italy to produce its vaccine


The Russian direct investment fund (RDIF) announced on Monday that it had Sputnik V vaccine production agreements “with Italian, Spanish, French and German companies”, awaiting approval in the European Union (EU).

“Currently, other discussions are underway to increase production in the EU. This will make it possible to start supplying the European single market with Sputnik V as soon as it is approved by the European Medicines Agency. (EMA) “, the head of the Fund said in a statement, Kirill Dmitriev.

The person responsible for RDIF, which finances the development of this vaccine, did not indicate the names of the European groups with which the agreements were concluded. Russian authorities were ready to deliver 50 million doses to Europeans from June.

Russia V Sputnik Agreement
The head of the Russian Fund for Direct Investment, Kirill Dmitriev, with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Dmitriev He clarified that Russia is also ready to “start supplying Sputnik V to EU countries that authorize it independently” from the EMA, like Hungary.

Initially, Sputnik V was taken into account but with a certain skepticism abroad. However, it managed to convince dozens of ten countries and the scientific journal The Lancet validated its reliability in February.

Russia often accuses Western countries of campaigning against Sputnik V, implying that Moscow has launched vaccine diplomacy to sow discord in Europe. The EU faces to the difficulties of supplying anticovid vaccines developed by western pharmaceutical groups.


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