Sputnik V: Russian government announces 83% efficiency against Delta


The Minister of Health of Russia, Mikhail Murashko, announced that the Sputnik V presents a efficiency 83% compared to the variant Delta, considered the most contagious of the strains of Covid-19. Moreover, on the official Russian vaccine page, they pointed out that they were the first in terms of vaccine combination.

“The latest results show that the efficiency rate is 83%”, I quote the media Tass concerning the statements of the Russian Minister of Health. In addition, Murashko pointed out that vaccination with the vaccine made by the Instituto Gamaleya rreduce hospitalizations by 94%.

Combination vaccine against Covid

At first, Russian authorities reported that the effectiveness of Sputnik V had a higher percentage, which was recognized by the Minister of Health.

“The efficacy of Sputnik V against the Delta variant is over 90%, since Sputnik V shows less decrease in efficacy against Delta than any other vaccine that has published results,” the vaccine developer said in late June. . , Denis logunov.

For his part, the director of Instituto Gamalea, Alexander Gintsburg, claimed that the Russian vaccine is safe and effective against all strains of the coronavirus.

Sputnik tweets 20210811

In their Twitter account, the vaccine makers explained that the increase in cases due to the variant that appeared in India in Israel Yes United States, recognized that the vaccines of MRNA they had to be strengthened.

“The increase in Delta cases in the United States and Israel shows that mRNA vaccines need a heterogeneous boost to strengthen and prolong the immune response. #SputnikV pioneered the mixed approach, pooled trials and showed 83.1% effectiveness against Delta. Today, RDIF offers Pfizer to start testing with Sputnik light as a back-up, ”they explained of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).

vizzotti carla vaccina

In this sense, they explain that they were pioneers by offering a combined test to AstraZeneca in November 2020, as it will do later with Moderna and Sinopharm.

Yesterday, the Minister of National Health, Carla Vizzotti, completed his vaccination plan with the second inoculation of Moderna, increasing the dose combination. His peer from Buenos Aires, Fernand Quiros, also argued that getting vaccinated with Sputnik V and Moderna was safe. “The result is not only safe, but the protection is even greater. We have seen that the security is total,” he said.

Effectiveness of each vaccine

According to the Delta variant, governments began to worry about the level of transmissibility it has, they began to discuss more vigorously the degree of affectivity that each of the vaccines exhibited.

In this row, from the middle JournalAr they detailed that Pfizer has a degree of protection of 36% with one dose and 88 with two, while AstraZeneca It is 30% effective with one application and 67 with two. On the North American side Johnson & johnson, explained that the single dose is 33% effective against Delta.

Further, they argued that Modern This is fictitious but without detailing the results, and they revealed that they had no data in this regard on Chinese vaccines. Cansino Yes Sinovac.


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