Sputnik V will be produced in Argentina | Accept …


The Richmond laboratory in Argentina today reported that in Moscow, a memorandum of understanding has been signed with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (DRIF) to manufacture the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina.. The production will be managed by the Richmond laboratory in association with Hetero Labs Limited of India.

Development should ensure, in the medium term, a fluid supply of the vaccine created by the Gamaleya Institute. In the short term, the government is awaiting the starting signal for the arrival in the country of a huge shipment of Sputnik V. More than 1,500,000 doses are mentioned. The vaccines are expected to arrive in the country early next week.

The announcement made by the Richmond laboratory complements the negotiations underway in Moscow for months. No one yet knows whether the covid-19 vaccine will need to be repeated each year because it is not yet known when the antibodies created by the doses will stop being effective. The virus happens to be very new, and obviously no one could ever verify whether the antibodies are still working a year or two after the doses are applied. The provision of vaccines therefore remains a challenge.

Argentina has already received 2,704,000 doses of three vaccines, Sputnik V, Oxford / AstraZéneca and Sinopharm. But the needs are much greater And that is why there is an expectation with the arrival of a new large-scale party from Russia or India. The final details are being closed by presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini in Moscow, but the announcement is expected today.

If the upcoming amount is as stated – more than 1,500,000 doses – it could start with immunizing people over 70 in CABA and many other districts, and there will be enough vaccines to progress with those older. of 60 years in the province of Buenos Aires.


News in development.


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