Sri Lanka is beset by candidates for executioners


Sri Lanka seeks to fill this post, which has been vacant for years in a country that has not applied the death penalty for nearly half a century, with two men of excellent character. Morale "aged 18 to 45 and who have not been sentenced by Crimes or serious offenses. This is not the first time that the authorities are trying to find executioners, but on several occasions in recent years, the selected candidates have left the place even before they have completed the training.

The Sri Lankan President, Maithripala Sirisena, proposed to apply the death penalty to repeat offenders in drug trafficking cases, for whom it was necessary to import a special rope for executions and to seek out tormentors. The death penalty is maintained on the island for crimes such as high treason, murder and drug trafficking, although the last presidential authorization necessary for the execution of a sentence has occurred in the past. 1976; she is therefore commuted to life imprisonment.

Last week, the President of Sri Lanka received the rejection of his initiative. In an open letter, Kumi Naidoo, Secretary General of Amnesty International, urged President Sirisena to respect Sri Lanka's international commitments, to respect the right to life and to give up on the implementation of the death penalty. special deterrent effect on the commission of crimes. "An execution, Mr. President, is not a show of force, but an admission of weakness," he wrote.

Crimes do not diminish this way

Criminological studies show that the death penalty has no particular deterrent effect. Hong Kong and Singapore, of similar size, have taken different courses. Hong Kong abolished the death penalty more than half a century ago, while Singapore remains in force


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