SSC elements arrested Iztapalapa gang who fired in the air


No deaths were recorded during the confrontation.  However, one of them ended up with a black eye and blood on his white shirt (Photo: Luis Carbayo /
No deaths were recorded during the confrontation. However, one of them ended up with a black eye and blood on his white shirt (Photo: Luis Carbayo /

This Sunday, the authorities of the capital they stopped to a group of Men’s At the mayor Iztapalapa that strongly armed they were shot in the air.

They have been identified as Geraldi Sánchez, Alfonso Vargas, Luis Chaves and Luis Ramírez. Photographs published by the journalist of the red note Carlos Jiménez unveiled the type of firearms They have used.

When agents of the Secretariat for Citizen Security (SSC) in Mexico City, the Oasis sector, arrived at your location for stop them and stop them, criminal gang members they resisted and fought.

They have been identified as Geraldi Sánchez, Alfonso Vargas, Luis Chaves and Luis Ramírez (Photo: Twitter / @ c4jimenez)
They have been identified as Geraldi Sánchez, Alfonso Vargas, Luis Chaves and Luis Ramírez (Photo: Twitter / @ c4jimenez)

Did not register victims deadly during the confrontation. However, one of them ended with a black eye and blood on his shirt blanca.

The four men already meet detained in the facilities of the The prosecutor’s office General of Justice of Mexico (FGJCDMX).

On July 22, also in Iztapalapa, the prosecutor’s office reported that he had detained Gerard “N”, accused by the Karla Pamela femicide 28 years old who was the mother of her children and former sentimental companion.

Photographs released by Red Note journalist Carlos Jiménez revealed the type of guns they were using (Photo: Twitter / @ c4jimenez)
Photographs released by Red Note journalist Carlos Jiménez revealed the type of guns they were using (Photo: Twitter / @ c4jimenez)

According to the information gathered in the investigation file, the femicide was perpetrated on April 27 in a residence located in the Asunción neighborhood, Iztapalapa town hall, where the victim’s body was found.

The apprehension of the alleged culprit, it was given this Thursday by agents of the Investigation police of the Office of the Prosecutor, after having gathered the evidence that they accredited the participation of Gerardo “N” in the crime and the corresponding order was obtained from a controlling judge.

“The arrested person was informed of the court order against him while he was in the Doctores district, Cuauhtémoc town hall, from where he was transferred to Preventive Prison in East Male, in strict compliance with the regulations in force and with full respect for their constitutional and human rights, ”the agency said.

According to the report, investigative police officers discovered that in videos recorded by security cameras in the area, Karla had entered her home with Gerardo “N”, 28 years old.

Detention Gerardo N (Photo: FGJ CDMX)
Detention Gerardo N (Photo: FGJ CDMX)

An hour later it was found that the subject has left the property and later he returned with his two minor children. This is when they’re supposed to find the victim’s body lying on the ground.

In his statement, the subject He said he found Karla already dead with her children and pleaded not guiltyHowever, with the videos analyzed by the police, as well as with the investigations carried out by the detectives and the results of the autopsy applied to the victim, the authorities established that once Gerardo left the property no one else entered and the time of the victim’s death coincides with which the man was with her.

Despite the above data, the agency stressed that, according to the law, the subject or is presumed innocent and will be treated as such at all stages of the procedure, as long as his responsibility is not declared by a judgment rendered by the judicial body.


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