stabbed to death the man who abused his son


Under his new name, Pleasted, nicknamed “Mick,” he rented an apartment in the Canning residential complex in east London, where Sarah and her five children, including Bradley, resided, The Sun reported.

Already in his new life, Pleasted was “a role model,” Sarah explained, and that’s why in February 2014, he agreed to let Bradley work in the men’s store to earn “some money”.. The boy lost interest within a few weeks.

A few months later, two other boys from the neighborhood, also aged 12, They reported Pleased for sexual abuse. Bradley was forced to testify to police for working in the man’s store.

Police arrested Pleasted, but because the man pleaded not guilty, they had to release him while the boys who reported him testified.

During this time, Bradley and his brothers began to fear their neighbor, and Sarah tried to ask authorities in Newham District, to which Canning belongs, to remove him from the compound..

“We went to my mother’s two-room apartment. I thought it would be temporary, I asked them to move Mick but they said there was nothing they could do,” the woman explained.

“They could move us, but it would be far from London. I begged the social workers for support. No one would listen to us,” said Sarah, now 38.

The breaking point came in November 2014, when Sarah found Bradley shaking, crying and trying to pull his hair out. “He said to me ‘I should have told you before, it would have stopped me from attacking the boys’. (Pleasure) attacked him in the store and at his home“revealed the woman.

Bradley, who is 19 and decided to testify publicly, said he didn’t report the man along with the other two boys because he “didn’t want any trouble” but had nightmares about the of his attacker.

murder abuse london

United Kingdom: Killed the man who sexually abused his son

United Kingdom: Killed the man who sexually abused his son

Sarah called the police to report Pleased and ask them to arrest her again, but the officers simply confirmed that they were already aware of Bradley’s sexual abuse because he mentioned it in his statement, and they said repeated that there was nothing they could do because the man had paid your deposit.

That same night Sarah lost “control”, according to her.

“I drank two bottles of wine, went back to my old apartment and knelt on the floor hugging a picture of my kids screaming. I couldn’t cry before because Bradley was still there. The guilt I felt for not protecting it overwhelmed me. There I decided to take a knife and go to Mick“, he said.

Sarah wanted to “persuade him to plead guilty so that Bradley didn’t have to be a witness” in the sexual abuse case, but once she had it before being met by a “cold” man who gave him a satisfied smile and a “smug attitude”. . and abrupt “.

“He was different from who my neighbor had been,” the woman said. “I stabbed him with the knife in the front and he grabbed me. I lost control. I couldn’t let someone else get hurt, someone had to protect people“he recalled.

Sarah stabbed her neighbor eight times with a 12 inch knife. In the security cameras of the housing complex, she could be seen leaving after committing the crime and when the police arrested her, she clicked: “Who gives way to a pedophile in social housing?“.

Wife was sentenced in September 2015 to seven and a half years in prison for the murder of Pleasted. During the trial, Sarah learned that the man had been in jail for child sexual abuse, but authorities were unable to locate him due to his name change.

“I found him in prison. I blamed myself for letting Bradley be with him when all this time the authorities knew exactly what he was capable of and looked away,” he condemned.

The trial court considered Sarah to be “truly exceptional” and since she is a single mother they cut her sentence in half, but in January 2016 the Appeals Chamber reverted to the original seven years, considering that the sentence was slow for no reason.

Sarah was released from prison in August 2018 after serving four years of her sentence and moved with Bradley and their four other children to Essex. He is now working on writing a book about the traumatic episode and the years of pain it caused.

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