Started the mega rescue of 12 boys trapped in a cave in Thailand


The rescue mission of the 12 boys and the coach trapped in the depths of a cave in Thailand is developed, after the navy of this country detected a considerable loss of water in the area. Authorities believe that the oxygen of young people could be completed and the place cleared: there are five ambulances and a large amount of medical equipment. The operation includes 13 experienced specialists, and it is expected that the rescue could last between two and three days.

"Today is the big day … the children are ready to face all the challenges," said Narongsak Osottanakorn, the head of the Crisis Staff, explaining that the boys would leave one by one. . There is a sharp decline in rainfall throughout the region, so the authorities have decided to move the operation forward.

  Rescuers prepare equipment to go out looking for boys.
Rescuers prepare equipment to go looking for boys.

The greatest fear among mariners and rescue crews working in the area is that heavy rains not only make leaving difficult, but even flood the place where the young people stayed for 15 days.

Another problem of concern to technicians is the quality of the air in the cave: the amount of oxygen has fallen in the last hours up to 15%, when it is estimated that what is necessary to breathe with "normalcy" "It is 21%." That is why the authorities decided to go in search of minors and their teacher

  Divers will have the difficult task of rescuing young people
Divers will have the difficult task of rescuing young people

The plan of the Thai Navy is for every boy aged 11 to 16 to be accompanied by an experienced diver along the four kilometers that separate him from the entrance of the cave. The diving conditions are extreme: and professionals must remove their vests and carry the tank in front in a very large pbadage narrow.

  The photo of the young people in the cave
The photo of the young people in the cave.

Although seafarers teach boys the basics of diving, many young people do not even know how to swim. They were 9 days without eating and in total darkness, until they were found by two English divers.

  The area where the youth are and their coach.
The area where young people meet and their coach.

The risk of this mission was evident after the death of one of the volunteer divers. The man, aged 38, ran out of oxygen on the way back.

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