stayed with Amazon's investment for Web Services


I would rent data centers in Telefónica to check that the systems are working well and then develop their own infrastructure in this country

A Chilean media badures that the decision was made and that Amazon will begin to lease the Telefónica data center in Santiago, Chile, to test its technology [19659003] Argentina and Chile competed to seduce Jeff Bezos' technology giant who plans to install a new data center in Patagonia. And he has already chosen.

According to the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio, Amazon chose Chile to deploy its first data center in the region .

It would be located in Santiago, Chile, and involve an investment of 1 billion US dollars .

Amazon will lease data centers (peripheral locations) in Telefónica in the municipality of Paine an area of ​​30,000 m2, to verify that the systems are working well and then develop its own infrastructure in the country.

The decision is already taken -security the middle and just misses the official announcement .

The dispute of the Amazon Data Center began at the end of last year and is a key step for the expansion of the I & # 39; company in the region.

extends its cloud activity internationally to more and more companies hosting their data and applications in Amazon Web Services, the cloud platform that has already landed in Argentina .

In this sense, having a data center closer to the region would reduce costs and improve data speeds . And the low temperatures of Patagonia would be favorable for the new data center.

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