STEP 2019 | Cristina Kirchner arrived in Buenos Aires after the victory


August 12, 2019
– 11:08

The presidential candidate for the video went from Aeroparque Jorge Newbery to her apartment in La Recoleta. He was received by dozens of aeronautical workers

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, candidate for the vice presidency of the In front of everybody, arrived in Buenos Aires from Río Gallegos, province of Santa Cruz, at noon by Aerolineas Argentinas flight AR 1851.


The former president was greeted by a dozen aviation corporation workers who encouraged her with the clbadic "Let's go back!" before heading the private vehicle that transported her home to Juncal and Uruguay, in the district of La Recoleta in Buenos Aires.

Cristina Kirchner remained in the province of Patagonia during the election day and was not part of the celebrations that took place in the bunker of Frente de Todos, located in a cultural center of Chacarita district in Buenos Aires.

After the large triumph of opposition space during the presidential primaries, the former president published a video in which she thanked the accompaniment to the elections of Frente de Todos.


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