Step by step, how vaccination against co …


In Moscow already vaccinated against coronavirus in, for the moment, 70 health centers. To be vaccinated, you have to register two weeks in advance and then attend the day scheduled between 8 and 20. At present, the groups at risk receive the vaccine: health workers, educators and urban services.

Precisely, online registration has been opened for these groups in the last few hours and there are already more than 5000 registered. In turn, the government of Vladimir Poutine It extended until January the regime of free delivery of medicines for people infected with Covid-19 who are treated at home, according to the Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko. The list includes acetaminophen, areplivir, coronavir, inhavirine, hydroxychloroxin, lopinavir, interferon alfa-2B, as well as antibiotics and anticoagulants for moderately severe infection.

“Today, on this wonderful and long-awaited day by us, vaccination begins in the city of Moscow on the basis of 70 polyclinics, including ours … I know it is quite busy,” said Maria Sokolova , chief doctor of the polyclinic № 191.

Sokolova stressed that the hospital has an entire block for vaccination. “Ten minutes are allotted for the actual vaccination. And since we work from 8 to 20 hours, so as planned, we can cover up to 100 people per vaccination per day. “

Further, she explained that all clinic employees, including herself, had received an SMS notification about the possibility of getting the vaccine, as well as thousands of metropolitan education, health and and social services. Some clinic workers have already been vaccinated and the rest are biding their time.

SMS notifications were sent to people at risk the day before. They explained that there was no problem registering on the website on the first day of vaccination. “I got home from work last night and at nine o’clock I signed up. In the morning I got a text message, ”said Andrei, a social worker in the city, who was one of the first to receive the vaccine.

Vaccination, step by step

To access the vaccine, you must present your passport, a policy and a certificate from the workplace. There are no age and health restrictions. The vaccine is kept in the refrigerator in the office and prepared for each visitor. Before vaccination, the patient is asked again about his state of health and how he tolerates the injections. The vaccine is then inoculated into the shoulder.

After receiving the vaccine and a reminder of possible body reactions, the patient is escorted to the recreation area. 30 minutes left: can read a magazine, listen to music. All the while, a doctor is nearby ready to help and answer questions. After all the procedures, the patient receives a certificate and registers for the second administration of the vaccine.

“It is advisable not to drink alcohol for three days. Also, do not visit saunas, you can wash yourself, but do not scrub this area too much with a washcloth. Please exclude any significant physical exertion on this shoulder, ”advises the practice nurse. She adds that if you have an allergic reaction, you can take any antihistamine. The patient will return after 21 days for the second dose. During these three weeks, protective equipment should be worn and a distance should be observed, as immunity to infections has not yet formed.

The vast majority of those who came forward for the vaccine were health workers. Everyone admitted that the start of the pandemic was a little scary, but the need to work and help others was greater. “I decided to get the vaccine to protect myself from the risk of getting infected. I don’t work in the ‘red’ zone, but there is still a certain percentage of fear,” health worker Tatyana said. .

“I have to get vaccinated, to be an example for everyone. My loved ones envy me because I’ll be one of the first to try it, ”said Marina, another young health worker. She assured that she trusted Putin and the government, which is why she was one of the first to get the vaccine.

There are high expectations for vaccination among all groups of Muscovites, as evidenced by their numerous calls to the Polyclinic Information Center. “I think the need is quite high. We are constantly getting calls to our help desks. People are also ready and coming. We have no problems. We recommend waiting a bit today for all those who are anxious to get vaccinated, because for now we are vaccinating the groups at risk.Then we will start to vaccinate the entire population, ”said Chief Medical Officer Sokolova.


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