Stock market rebound | Improves air conditioning …


The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange rose 3.9% to over 29,000 basis points. Over the past four days has recorded an advance of 9.6 percent. The largest increases were in Metrogas (15.5%), Supervielle (9.5%) and Transportadora de Gas del Norte (7.8%). Meanwhile, declines were led by Tenaris, down 1% and Cresud (-0.8%). The operations were carried out for 860 million pesos, with an increase of 38% compared to the previous day.

Market operators have ensured that the main element to explain this price rebound is the best international financial climate. They said the major stock exchanges of the world have noted an increase due to an exchange agreement between Europe and the United States that is chilling the trade war. "We are here at the White House to begin a new stage in relations between the United States and the European Union.A step of close friendship and strong trade relations in which we will win both" said US President Donald Trump yesterday, creating peace for global investors. He added that "work will be done to achieve zero tariffs, zero tariff barriers and zero subsidies for non-automotive industrial goods". The S & P 500 index, on a case-by-case basis, rose 0.9%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.7% and the Nasdaq 1.2% [19659003]. Argentinian, the 0.2% increase in the 2020 Bonar stands out, while the discount in local law and Bonar 2024 remain stable. The country risk index, measured by the JP Morgan bank, was placed on Wednesday at 576 basis points, with a fall of 2 units. The Argentine risk indicator nevertheless continues to be one of the highest this year among emerging countries. Argentina, despite agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the eye of the MSCI to get out of the border category, has an improbable payment default similar to that of countries in institutional crisis like Turkey.

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