Stop laughing with La Cámpora


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, asked yesterday to stop "teasing" with "the story of the demons of La Cámpora", and defended them by stating that their leaders are "people who want to live in a better country ".

"Today, I read in La Nación a note on" the dangers of Alberto with La Cámpora. "This story of the" demons "of La Cámpora … Stop laughing, these are people who, like all Argentines , want to live better Fernandez said yesterday in Spain that he had held meetings with leaders, leaders and businessmen this week.

The former Chief of Staff explained that, according to this note, the day when the businessman and owner of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperín, went into his offices in the neighborhood of San Telmo, he met the leader of La Cámpora Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro. Then he explained: "Just Galperín came because he's a friend of Wado, so it's the climates that are generated and that a lot of damage is done to Argentina. end to this Argentina who lies. "

Travel Summary

Alberto Fernández in Spain carried out an academic program, also met the head of government, Pedro Sánchez, as well as businessmen. In Portugal, he met the Portuguese Prime Minister, the Socialist Antonio Costa. Fernández said that it was "very productive" meetings in which "support and desire to work together" took place.

"I ended up taking a look at European politics.We discussed how to strengthen the links between the European Union and Mercosur.They know my integration madness, an obsession that I've always had it, "he said.

Fernández has ratified its intention to "exert extreme efforts to reach agreements with the European Union to achieve this integration".

At the same time, he said: "The Spanish businessmen and investment funds wanted to talk to me, everyone is very aware of the situation of the Argentine economy and the only thing that I perceived is the desire to work together to get Argentina out of the problem.They realize that there may be a solution in us and not a crisis that worsens. "They warn that what the government has proclaimed (about the Front of All) was a mistake. "

During the European tour, the presidential candidate particularly highlighted the case of Portugal: "The merit of Costa was that at the time of making adjustments, he said no, it was necessary to activate the consumption and put of the money in the pockets of workers and pensioners.When I listened to it, I relived what we had done in 2003 with Nestor Kirchner, "he recalled and emphasized the similarities with that moment by saying that the Portuguese model is "strict with tax accounts, like Nestor with his notebook".


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