"Stop laughing with the demons of La Cámpora, they just want a better country"


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, asked today to stop "joking" with "the story of the demons of La Cámpora", and declared that their leaders were "people who, like all Argentines, want to live a better country. "

"Today, I read a note in The nation about the dangers of Alberto with La Cámpora. This story of the demons of La Cámpora. Stop laughing. These are people who, like all Argentines, want to live in a better country, it's just that, "said Fernandez in a dialogue with Spanish radio 10, where he held various meetings during the week .

He explained that the note indicated that the day when the businessman and owner of Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperín, had gone to the offices of Fernández, in the district of San Telmo, had met the leader of La Cámpora Eduardo 's "Wado" Pedro. .

"Just Galperín came because he's a friend of Wado, it's so that the climates are generated and that a lot of damage is done to Argentina." We need to end this Argentina that ment, "said the Todos Front candidate. (Télam)


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