Storm Filomena also brought the unusual …


Despite the visible havoc he left Spain the storm Filomena, including 4 dead and the blocking of hundreds of routes and roads, in recent days the “money of the snow” appeared in the country. Just like the antique dealers who don’t believe in the pandemic, these people are making all kinds of crazy assumptions to justify that there is no such thing as snow.

The term, local media explain, gained popularity over the weekend, after a video leaked on social media in which a woman takes a compact snowball from her patio and burns it with a lighter.

You will verify that this snow is not real snow. It’s pure plastic. I’ll burn it with the lighter so you can see, ”he says at the start of the video.

After burning the snowball, he explains, “This, as you can see, doesn’t collapse, it stays black. The smell is like burnt plastic.” And immediately he affirms: “This is bullshit they send us. It’s pure plastic and they keep cheating on us with everything“.

After the video went viral, some scientists and communicators have come to provide an explanation of the phenomenon. The snow “turns black because the lighter turns black when it comes out of the remains of combustion, of soot,” said Spanish science popularizer Luis Quevedo.

“The snow – he continued – does not fall for two reasons: because when you put the flame in it, the water which becomes liquid will be reabsorbed by the snow in the ball, and because the one which immediately heats this what’s going to happen is gas phase, known as sublimation. ”

It has no mystery: you burn hydrocarbons», He concluded, putting an end to the theory of the denarius.

The tweeter @VaryIngweion, biologist and broadcaster, also refuted this crazy claim on Twitter. “Water (even frozen) has a high specific heat. If the snowball is fouled (you remove the air between the snowflakes), the ice is in contact with … well, more ice”, he said. on the phenomenon that snow does not melt.

You apply the flame to a localized point, and most of the heat it receives will dissipate through the rest of the mass of ice, without actually melting., because of this high specific heat, ”he explained.

“However, at the point where the flame strikes most directly, the ice, suddenly passing from a very low temperature to a very high temperature, undergoes a process well known to anyone who has studied physics and chemistry at ESO, who is the sublimation, the passage from ice to vapor without going through the liquid phase ”, he added.

On the black color of the snow, he specifies that “it is normal, it is the fuel soot surface deposit (the snowball, or the glass, it doesn’t matter). The smell is the same. Butane gas has no odor, but it is mixed with smelling substances. The smell comes from these burning impurities. “

Hundreds of users who quizzed ‘snow deniers’ with witty memes were added to tech explanations on social media.


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