Storm warning: see where it's raining in Mendoza


Storm warning: see where it's raining in Mendoza | MDZ online

They are planning storms for dawn

The rain in Mendoza


During the afternoon, large storm cells began to form today in the north and east of Mendoza. For now, there is an alert for heavy rains in these areas.

The National Meteorological Service has issued an alert stating that "in the area of ​​coverage, storms have begun to develop in isolation". It is expected that by Thursday 14 th, they will strengthen and extend to the rest. Some of these phenomena could be strong, accompanied by bursts, strong electrical activity, occasional hail and abundant fall of water over short periods of time and in a localized way ".

This is how we see the clouds above Mendoza today.

The rain could continue until Friday morning. I followed the trajectory of the storms on the Contingencies Climatics radar.


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