Story lasts for 41-year-old doctor after emerging from two-month coma with coronavirus


A 41-year-old doctor who recovered “miraculously” from coronavirus after being in a coma for two months This is news right now in England after recounting his ordeal with the disease and warning that “we are not out of danger”.

The doctor Anushua Gupta, from Cheshire, outside Manchester, continued to say goodbye to her family forever before being induced into a coma when her condition worsened.

She was admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital on April 1, 2020 (Photo: Anushua Gupta / Anesthesia Reports)

By publishing your own medical report and telling your experience in first person for the magazine in detail Anesthesia reports, the doctor said the treatment saved his life, but the road to recovery was, is and still is difficult. “People should pay attention to the dangers of the Indian variant of covid,” he warned.

Three days after being admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital on April 1, 2020, the Gupta was transferred to intensive care for respiratory assistance.

“My worst fears were coming true. I phoned my husband Ankur and asked him to see our daughter Ariana, who was only 18 months old at the time, on a video call. Inside, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to watch my daughter grow up, that I wasn’t going to be able to live my life with my husband. It was terrible, ”he recalls.

The doctor was one of the first patients to worsen: “I deteriorated clinically in the early hours of April 4; I was out of breath and I felt visual hallucinations of a black winged figure everywhere I looked. My husband was asked to come and discuss further treatment because I had not made progress.

He recounted his experience in a specialist magazine. (Photo: Anushua Gupta / Anesthesia Reports)

The doctor was one of the first patients in the UK to be treated for coronavirus with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, equipment that supports the function of the lungs and is considered an option of last resort.

After a few days, Gupta started to show improvement, which doctors told him was a “miracle.” But the recovery was very difficult. “When I woke up from a coma I realized I had no voice. He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t swallow, he couldn’t move his arms, his legs. I felt paralyzed, ”she recalls.

The doctor warned that her “recovery is by no means complete” and added that she believed that now she continued to have symptoms called “long-Covid“O “Extended Covid”.

And he concluded with a message: “Now I enjoy life in a whole different way. Every day is a blessing. My goal is not to provide anyone with a horror story or a horror story, but it is really to let people know that this virus is very good at mutating and changing. “


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