Strange and brutal method: launched a cat to scare a momentum | Chronic


The man threw a cat and managed to scare the moose …

A neighbor of the Russian city of Neftekamsk, in the southern republic of Baskortostán, hunted a wild moose that had entered a block of houses by throwing a cat! His strange and brutal method worked. The animal escaped while running …

According to the local channel Neftekamsk-24, according to the RT website, the event occurred last weekend and was recorded in a video shot by a witness.

Elk were seen in another area of ​​the city a few hours later. The neighbors managed to sleep and contain him, then move him to a forest, local media said.

Elk, asleep, was released later in a forest

According to the testimonies of the neighbors, collected by the aforementioned chain, the mammal was released in its natural habitat in excellent health.


Strange and brutal method: throw a cat to scare an elk. This unusual event took place in the Russian city of Neftekamsk, in the southern republic of Bashkortostan.

– Crónica VIRALES (@CronicaVirales)
March 19, 2019


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