Striking secret for Martín Guzmán’s lunch in Madrid with businessman Hugo Sigman


On Thursday April 15, while in certain neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and in front of the Quinta de Olivos, the cacerolazos continued to ring due to the announcement by President Alberto Fernández concerning the suspension of face-to-face classes and the curfew between 20 and 6 hours. in the morning to the increase in infections due to Covid, the Minister of the Economy, Martín Guzmán, I had lunch in Madrid with Hugo sigman, owner of the laboratory that manufactures the active ingredient in AstraZeneca against the coronavirus at its plant in Garín, in the province of Buenos Aires.

Guzmán, on a tour of Europe seeking allies to renegotiate Argentina’s debt with the International Monetary Fund, sat at Sigman’s table with the sons of the businessman and the Argentine Ambassador to Spain, Ricardo Alfonsín.

“I was at that lunch and then I accompanied him (Minister Guzmán) to the airport,” he said. Bugle The ambassador Alfonsin, who preferred not to give details of what was discussed during this meal of the Spanish scale of Guzmán, who will later travel to France and Russia.

Sigman – whose name sounded emphatically when Alberto Fernández was looking for a candidate to occupy the embassy that former President Raúl Alfonsín’s son presides over here today – also didn’t want to talk about the lunch he returned with. tribute to the Minister of the Economy in Madrid. , four days before specifying in his Twitter account that he is not responsible for the delay which delays the arrival in Argentina of vaccines against Covid-19.

“MAbxience (his biotech company) is not the owner of the vaccine nor is it responsible for selling it, collecting it, signing contracts with governments or setting delivery dates, ”Sigman posted on Twitter and stressed that it is not the culprit that the Argentine government negotiations with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer will not succeed.

Friend of former President Felipe González and close friend of the former Mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, Sigman and his wife, Silvia Gold, are recognized in Spain as one of the great South American fortunes.

The Spanish press speaks of him as “The billionaire” friend of the Almodóvars and in 2016 he welcomed him as one of the newcomers to the exclusive Millenium, overlooking Retiro Park and at the time the most expensive building in Madrid.

Minister Guzmán had lunch with Hugo Sigman on Thursday 15, after taking a photo with Pope Francis in the library of the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican and before the clash of elbows – a greeting that Sars-Cov-2- is setting up in Paris with Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy of France.

Here in Madrid, the Minister of the Economy met with the economic vice-president of the Spanish government, Nadia Calviño.

“Very interesting meeting with Minister Martín Guzmán to see closely Argentina’s progress in its negotiations with the IMF,” Calviño said on his social networks the day after the meeting. Spain will continue to be a loyal and constructive partner in supporting the end of the crisis in a country so close and so important. “

After lunch with Sigman, Guzmán posted on his Twitter account a photo with President Pedro Sánchez’s chief of staff Ivan Redondo: “Thank you, Spain’s chief of staff, Iván Redondo, for your support,” said the Minister of Economy. From our places in Latin America and Europe, working together and with the contribution of the new political generation, we will be able to move forward towards a world with more opportunities, fair and sustainable ”.

With the company, at Madrid airport, of Ambassador Alfonsín, Guzmán flew to Paris, where he was struck by the deserted postcard of the Arc de Triomphe, alone due to the restrictions that the government of President Emmanuel Macron imposed by the pandemic.


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