Strippers and nude parties: Bill Gates’ uncontrolled bachelor life that many ignored


Although for his style he is for many the prototype of the nerd, studious and always in front of a computer, after his divorce many wonder if Bill Gates will return to the lifestyle he led in the late 80s and early 90s, before marrying Melinda in 1994.

James Wallace, biographer of one of the founders of Microsoft, revealed details about her past life, with naked parties, often with strippers, and alcohol abuse. It was an eventful step that the writer recorded in two books published on Gates in the 1990s.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Wallace said that Gates wasn’t “your typical tech kid” and called him a womanizer.. “He was not an altar boy. A lot of those Microsoft guys back then were kids who had pizza-stained T-shirts for two or three days working on software code, ”the biographer explained. After long hours of work, these young men then went to “pretty wild” parties and paid strippers to go to Gates’ place. “He wasn’t just a little computer nerd. He had a life back then, ”he added.

In the second book Wallace wrote, in 1997, he wrote about the nude parties at the mogul’s house in Washington. The media did not report the “wild bachelor parties that Gates gave” because I wanted to have a good relationship with him. According to the biographer, Gates “toured nightclubs and hired dancers to come to his house to swim naked with his friends in the pool.”

In addition, Gates was a regular participant of private parties organized at the end of the main conferences Computer shows like Comdex and Demo, where Microsoft’s co-founder was the keynote speaker.

Gates’ fame as a womanizer was known to all, even for her having been his wife for several decades. This caused them to distance themselves for a year, although they eventually got back together. “She knew how much of a womanizer he was and as a result their relationship had sudden ups and downs, apparently because he didn’t want an engagement,” the biographer explained.

Vern Raburn, a former Microsoft executive and friend of Gates, confirmed what Wallace said. He told the same British media that his friend “liked the party” and that He was unfaithful to Melinda during their early boyfriend years, but left him behind when they got married.

Bill Gates on his marriage to Melinda in 1994 (Photo: AP / Dave Weaver).

Raburn also said that during a dinner the businessman told him he was “very proud that he has not done any of this since he got married.”

Bill’s response

In a statement, a spokesperson for Gates said he is extremely disappointing that so many lies have been published on the cause, circumstances and timing of the divorce.

“The rumors and speculations surrounding my client are becoming more and more absurd and it is unfortunate that people with little or no knowledge are labeled as sources,” he said.


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