Strong condemnation of the Maduro government: they ask to investigate their crimes


The chavista dome, with Maduro at the helm, yesterday witnessed a military parade organized for Independence Day. Source: Reuters

Presidents, representatives of civil society and NGOs to demand an impartial investigation with consequences on regime abuse

CARACAS – The devastating report on "serious violations" of human rights in Venezuela yesterday added a torrent of condemnations around the world. The level of indignation is so high that the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has asked his predecessor, Michelle Bachelet, to transfer his findings to the International Criminal Court.

Extra-marital executions, torture, rape, social apartheid, miserable wages, collapse of the health system, lack of drugs, political persecution, the existence of hundreds of political prisoners and information censorship. All of this is described in a report that "harms the regime and helps maintain an international vision of what is happening here," said badyst Benigno Alarcón. The hell of the revolution, described in 18 pages, was read yesterday by Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. "Venezuelans deserve a better life, without fear and with access to food, water and other basic needs," concluded Bachelet.

For civil society, represented yesterday in Geneva by activist Feliciano Reyna, founder of the NGO Acción Solidaria, the appointment of an international commission to investigate violations is essential, as well as the 39, accelerating the search for a political solution. The same is true for Amnesty International, which is committed to this commission to carry out the necessary impartial investigation, something impossible in Venezuela today.

A commission that already has precedents in history, such as the one that was waged against dictator Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and against South Africa in the United States.
l & # 39; apartheid, although its implementation depends on the approval of Caracas.

"The inquiry commission proposed in the report investigates the perpetrators, the hierarchy, ie who gave the order and those who let him act, by action and by omission" said Juan Guaidó, president in charge, who led a protest of about 3,000 people, who claim above all the death of captain Rafael Acosta, who was arrested by the military counter intelligence.

"Millions of Venezuelans are asking for help!" Stressed Reyna. "Civil society has made a titanic effort to defeat authoritarianism, coercion and misinformation in order to make reality known internationally." For more than a decade, the government has not reported to the UN organs, denounced the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights Humans, have not complied with the judgments of the Inter-American Court ", he summed up on behalf of 200 Venezuelan NGOs.

The government insisted on its usual weapons: accusations and propaganda. "Let's get ready for the battles we are fighting, do not rest a second time … We are on the right side and at the right time for the battle!" Said Nicolás Maduro at the military parade held on the day of the day. 39; independence. Venezuelan Accompanied by the staff, the "People's President" witnessed the deployment of troops, including militiamen, militant civilians of the revolution in uniform and armed by the government.

What was to be a historic parade was ultimately an act tarnished by government fears. "In short, quickly, less than 45 minutes, without the people present and with the participation of few public officials, and with closed access to the Paseo de los Próceres," said Rocío San Miguel, President of the Citizen Control for the forces armies.

For such a special parade, the militiamen exchanged their rifles for the cartons of CLAP, the Bolivarian version of the Cuban rationing book, which became the social control instrument also denounced by Bachelet ("food aid program"). not meeting the nutritional needs of the people ").

The High Commissioner took advantage of his appearance to announce good news: the release of two emblematic political prisoners. Judge María Afiuni, in complete freedom, remained for a decade between imprisonment and house arrest, directly accused by Hugo Chávez, who claimed a 30-year prison sentence for her. The judge had sinned by applying the law and releasing a businessman, an old enemy of the revolutionary leader, who was in custody. This day began the final badault of Chavez to justice.

The Chilean-Venezuelan journalist Braulio Jatar retains precautionary measures that prevent him from leaving the country after revealing, three years ago, on his portal of information, the video of a formidable cacerolazo against Maduro on Margarita Island.

The joy of these two releases, along with that of a group of 35 youths arrested during the demonstrations that accompanied the military uprising on April 30, once again struck reality. "Just as they give Afiuni judge complete freedom and the arrest in Jatar, three people are arrested and disappeared: the servant of Iván Simonovis (the political prisoner who escaped to the United States). a few weeks ago), the aunt and cousin of the first, "said Alfredo Romero, president of the Criminal Forum.

Supporters of political prisoners call this the effect "revolving door": 37 prisoners were released and 33 new prisoners imprisoned so far this week.

Macri's government condemns Caracas

The Interior Minister asked "not to be indifferent" to the strength of the document

  • Government officials Mauricio Macri, pre-judges and lawmakers warned yesterday that "you can not remain indifferent" to the UN report on human rights violations and political persecution in Venezuela, which reported at least 793 persons arbitrarily deprived of their liberty and executions. abstract
  • Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio wrote on Twitter that "the testimonies testify to the persecution of the opponents, the deprivation of liberty, the torture and the application of violence", and have baderted that "we can not allow this to continue." What we say about Venezuela speaks for itself.
  • On the other hand, the justicialista senator and candidate for the vice-presidency of Together for Change, Miguel Pichetto, urged "not to be silent or to be distracted by abuses and aberrations", which violate the rights of the president. man in Venezuela. "All these crimes must be investigated and those responsible judged."



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