Strong criticism of the opposition to the reform of the armed forces.


Kirchnerist blocs in Congress claim it is "illegal" Source: Archive

Most of the opposing arches left to bluntly criticize
the reform of the armed forces announced by the president

Mauricio Macri
this morning. In particular, they question the consequences that their intervention might have on internal security issues.

Referees of Peronism; the Victory Front (FPV) blocks in the Senate and Deputies; the national deputy of Proyecto Sur,

Fernando "Pino" Solanas,
his pair of Libres del Sur, Victoria Donda, among others, was targeting the national government after the announcement of changes in the deployment of units and reinforcement of the army at the northern border to fight against drug trafficking.

"Since 1983, the National Policy of Separation of National Defense and Homeland Security is a policy of l & # 39; 39. State, expressed the FPV in the Senate and deputies.In addition, he demanded that the decision be discussed in Congress.

The national deputy and the reference of Libres del Sur,

Victoria Donda,
stated in the same sense: "We hope that the announced decree of reform of the armed forces does not violate the law of internal security or the democratic agreement that the armed forces should not intervene in this case. wants to innovate in this respect is essential that the debate takes place within the Congress and not by decree. "

We hope that the announced decree of the reform of the armed forces does not violate the law of internal security or the democratic agreement that the armed forces should not interfere in this affair. & – [R] Victoria Donda Perez [R] (@vikidonda)
23 July 2018

Kirchnerism also linked the announcement to the economic situation: "Coincidentally, when the social crisis worsens because of the adjustment and the pact with the IMF , Mauricio Macri calls for punitive demagoguery and deepens the degradation of democracy and the rule of law. "

" The establishment of armed forces in internal security has worsened the problem around the world, "he said. national deputy for mbadism,

Felipe Solá.
"Drug trafficking takes place in a network with recovering drug addicts, with their families, with mothers who denounce where the drugs are sold and with a specialized, professional police and under civilian control," he continues. FFAA's homeland security has compounded the problem around the world. Drug trafficking occurs online with recovering drug addicts, with their families, with mothers who report where drugs are sold, and with specialized, professional and civilian-controlled police. – Felipe Solá (@felipe_sola)
July 23, 2018

"Let's change the army in drug trafficking." They did not bother to know the Mexican example, which ended in a chaotic war with hundreds of thousands of dead and missing. Carrio put the Army in Homeland Security, a leap into the darkness, "said Argumedo.

Pino Solanas added:" The Macri's serious mistake committing the armed forces to the Inland security, Argentina has an immense land and sea space To protect, we need a national defense policy that guarantees our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. "

This morning Macri claimed that Argentina needed" armed forces capable of coping "with the" challenges and threats "of the 21st century, such as drug trafficking and international terrorism.

It is expected that the government will modify in the coming days the decree 727/2006, regulation of the right of the national defense, that the management of Néstor Kirchner allows only the use of the Armed Forces against badaults of external origin "when they are perpetrated by other states."

In August, the head of state will send 500 troops to the vulnerable areas of Salta, Formosa and Misiones and in a year will add about 5000.

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