Strong decline of motorcycle patent


Finally, the "boom" in motorcycle patenting took place in June and slowed growth that had been a record in the sector. Although the first six months left a positive balance compared to last year, what remains of 2018 is not very enthusiastic.

In June, 3,290 motorcycles were sold in the province of Santa Fe, compared to 5,346 the previous month, May. represents a sharp decline of 38.4%. Although this could be a normal minimum, due to the beginning of winter, the numbers compared to June 2017 are just as bad. In this sense, although the decline is lower, it reaches 25%.

The first semester left a total of 35,341 registrations, compared with 30,092 in the same period last year. The increase was 17.4%, higher than the nation, which barely exceeded 10%. However, in the dealership goes through the negative numbers that showed June, prelude to a second half that will face the devaluation of the local currency and demand back.

Although the market continues to have Buenos Aires as a place with volume of operations, a peculiarity has occurred with the province of Santa Fe. The novelty of the month of June is that the Chaco occupied the second place and relegated Santa Fe to third place, followed by Córdoba who finished fourth.

the provinces that experienced the largest decline from May and with very pronounced percentages, were Santa Cruz, which lowered its patents by 52.6%, Río Negro 49.7; Neuquen 47.3% and San Luis with 46.4%

National Numbers

The Motovehicles Division of the Association of Automobile Dealers of the Argentine Republic (ACARA) reported that the number of units patented in June this year, it was 37,291 motor vehicles, a decrease of 36.1% compared to May of this year, where 58,389 units were recorded.

If an annual comparison is made, it observes a patent with 18.2% fewer units than in June of last year, when 45,581 motor vehicles had been registered.

The accumulated year reached 361 114 units. Although this represents 10.9% more than last year accumulated up to that date (325 564 units), it is estimated that the projection of units for this year will decline sharply.

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