Strong dollar escalation did not offset the red exchange for overseas tourism


The number of Argentineans who traveled abroad grew by 5.5% from one year to the next, but spending fell by 3%, so the monetary deficit only slowed
The tourist activity recorded that May 191,000 foreign tourists entered the country which means an interannual increase of 4.8 ]% and a cumulative improvement of 5.8 % during the first five months of the year compared to the same period of 2017.

The INDEC released the " international tourism statistics "and indicated that the airports of Ezeiza and Aeroparque concentrate 90.7% of arrivals of non-resident tourists during first five months of the year, with an interannual increase of 3.2 %.

On the other hand, the departures of residents in the country to the outside reached 391,200 persons with an increase of 5.5 % and cumulative improvement from 13.4 % during the first five months of the year, compared to the same period a year ago.

In this sense, although Argentine expatriates' trips increased, a sharp devaluation from May -superior to 20% – drove down spending on international tourism. But did not compensate for the exchange deficit but slowed down

This is indicated by the Report on the evolution of the foreign exchange market and the balance of the Central Bank ] where it is noted that the net deficit of the "Travel, notes and other card payments" account decreased by as compared to 3 %. [19659003] According to the document, the income b rutos totaled 158 million (3% increase), while gross output showed a $ 1,019 million (down 2%). payments to issuers of cards for or $ 545 million net costs of airlines and other carriers of pbadengers from here 180 million dollars and net payments of tour operators for $ 141 million .

This was slightly offset for ] net sales of foreign tourists' tickets, which in May were 4 million dollars .

For its part, the airports of Ezeiza and Aeroparque represented the 80 % of departures of tourists residing in May with a growth of 9 , 3% compared to the same period of the previous year.

the tourists from Br to if they were to 52,300 which represents a low of the year 0, 3% . They followed Europe with 35,500 and the group of countries of "Rest of America ", with 29,100 tourists . adopted entered by the air stations of Ezeiza and Aeroparque 170.7 thousand tourists figure which represented a growth of the year 1 %. The outward sorties of both airports reached 309.200 which means an increase of 1.4% over the same month from the previous year.

The average stay of non-resident tourists was 12 nights and higher from Europe with 20.6 and in the group of countries "Rest of America", with 16. Stays of foreign tourists totaled 2,045,800 nights 4.3% more than in May 2017.

The residents in the country that left the international airport Ezeiza and Aeroparque Jorge Newbery did it mainly for [19459005Europe in 24.1%; to United States and Canada of 23.1%, and to the group of countries of " Rest of America erica", of 19 %, [19659003] The average stay of Argentine tourists in the outside was 15.2 noch is and the longest corresponded to the countries in Europe ] with 23.6 on average, followed by E s United States and Canada with 14.3, and the group of countries " Remainder of America "with 12.3 nights

Stays totaled 4,699,600 nights 9.6% more than the same period ] of the year. last year.


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