Strong stop of transport in Paris against pension reform


The French capital has been paralyzed today by a strike triggered by RATP public transport unionsWhich, because of its high level of compliance, was the worst unemployment rate in 12 years and the objective is to oppose the pension reform prepared by the UK government. Emmanuel Macron.

Ten of the 16 The Paris Metro lines have been closed and the others, saturated. Two out of three buses did not circulate, and there was virtually no commuter train, which employs thousands of people to move to the suburbs. And the space has been taken over by bikes and scooters, while the applications of Taxis took advantage of the opportunity to increase their rates.

The demonstration was led by the unions of the RATP, the company that manages local trains, buses and metro in the Paris region, who asked people to limit their travel "as much as possible" and many chose to work from home them.

How is the reform project

This strike was the first major mobilization against the government pension reform to establish a universal system which would apply to all French only one system with the same rules for calculating pensions, No matter the profession or sector, replacing the current multiple pension plan.

Look also

The index of economic activity, which anticipates GDP, contracted by 0.16% in July. It should be recalled that the recovery in Brazil remains uneven and still lacks sustained momentum.

The reform is a campaign promise from Macron, which promised to eliminate 43 different special diets. The "universal" system would be implemented with the use of points in which "a contributing euro grants the same rights".

C & # 39; will apply to The workers born after 1963 and will enter effective gradually from 2025.

Who loses

Paris metro workers, as well as employees of other professions who practice work considered difficult or dangerous, they would lose the benefits badociated with their special diets, which currently allows them, for example, to retire before the other French.

For example, in the case of employees of the transport, by eliminating the preferential conditions they would lose the right to withdraw full board at 52, a decade earlier than other French workers.

Commercial area of ​​the Saint Lazare metro station in Paris

The Court of Auditors, Statutory Auditor of the French State, declares that the average age of retirement RATP workers in 2017 was 55.7 years old, compared to 63 years of the majority of French workers.

In 2007 Paris had experienced another major transport strike when the then president, Nicolas Sarkozy promoted a pension reform that delayed the retirement age of most civil servants.

In any case, the government takes the easy thing. Yesterday the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe said thatand "we will take all the time needed" to tackle pension reform, ahead of a vote scheduled for 2020.

"This is not a privileged strike, it's a strike of employees who wish to retire at an age and under reasonable conditions," said Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT, one of the leading unions in France.


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