Strong support from the King of Spain for the economic management of Macri


Source: AP – Credit: Gustavo Garello

"We support all reform programs underway," said Felipe VI during his visit to Casa Rosada

Without letting go of his wife's hand,

Juliana Awada

, President

Mauricio Macri

He heard the words he was expecting from his interlocutor. "We came to support Argentina, as we have always done, in difficult times, we are very aware of the economic situation and we support all reform programs underway," said King .

Felipe VI

, in the clean room of Casa Rosada.

At the beginning of his three-day state visit, the first of the Spanish monarchs in three decades, Felipe and his wife,


, staged – with their fashions and protocolary limits – a "nod" to official economic policy. The government welcomed this distinction at a time when the economy seemed to bring only bad news.

The king, who considered Spain's relations with Argentina as "strategic", reiterated his support during the private meeting with officials and lunch alone in the villa in Olivos. The situation in Venezuela, the creation of Prosur and Spanish investments in the country were also part of the bilateral dialogue, in which members of the Spanish Foreign Ministry participated, and which will continue over the next two days.

"We took this visit as a sign of affection and support for the moment of change that we are bringing to the Argentineans, making deep and costly transformations that require effort," he said. the president at the formal greeting with the king. "Felipe VI once again supported the economic plan implemented," said two members of the Argentinian delegation who participated in the bilateral meeting at Casa Rosada.

There was a "coincidence" between Macri and the Spanish Chancellor about the need for "measures" to address the situation of civilians in Venezuela. The king maintained the rule of not issuing opinions on policy issues, but was "interested" in the situation in the Caribbean country, sources said. Speaking of language and kindness, King also flew over the situation of Spanish companies in the country, although the issue is being addressed today at a business breakfast.

Macri thanked the king for the support of the economic plan. Before the monarch's questions, the president stressed his conviction of "being in the process of making profound changes". In parallel, the first lady Juliana Awada and Queen Letizia held a private meeting.

The day, which had begun for kings with the homage to St. Martin before his monument to Retiro, continued with a lunch at the villa of Olivos. Then there was a visit to Congress and another to the Supreme Court, before the break and the animated state dinner hosted by President Macri at the CCK.

Men and women from the world of business and culture attended the gala. María Cher, Juan Carlos López Mena (Buquebus), Jaime Campos (AEA), Claudio Belocopitt (Swiss Medical), Adelmo Gabbi (Scholarship), Miguel Gutiérrez (YPF), Hugo Sigman (Insud) and Luis Galli (Newsan), first; Among them, Mirtha Legrand, María Kodama and Valeria Mazza enjoyed the menu of spider crab and Patagonian trout.

In front of this public and in front of Macri, Felipe VI renewed his support: he affirmed that, to get out of the crisis, the countries should share the point of view of the necessary social and economic reforms and avoid any temptation "protectionist". He reiterated that Spain would make its "biggest effort" to reach the EU-Mercosur agreement and would bring "full support" to Argentina for its entry into the EU zone. ; OECD.


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