Student together 27 “green lucas” for a teacher who lived in his car | the Chronicle


Jose villarruel, former substitute teacher resident of Fontana in the “Yankee” state of California, received $ 27,000 Last Thursday, his 77th birthday, thanks to a former student who found out he lived in his car and decided to get involved and help him.

Steven nava, is the name of the former student who saw his former teacher stationed for several days in the same place. This is how he approached to speak to her. After giving him $ 300, he decided to open a campaign in the Go Fund Me platform in which in just seven days she managed to raise $ 27,000. He also took to social media, where he broadcast the campaign, according to media reports. Fox11.

Villarruel, who had worked as substitute teacher for decades, was forced to resign in May last year, due to the coronavirus pandemic which imposed distance education as the only possible modality for continuing classes.

“I decided that the school situation had completely changed and I believed that a replacement job was done. […] I managed to do all the paperwork, all the paperwork to collect my pension. I received my check, but this check did not last long because I was already in debt. “Said Villaroel.

However, citizen solidarity surprised the teacher. Is that in a small event, the mayor of Fontana, Acquanetta Warren, Nava and other alumni met this Thursday at the Community center for seniors and they gave Villaruel all the gifts.

“My first thought was: am I dreaming? I still can’t get over this experience“said Villaroel, who said he intended to pay the favor by helping others in need. “The biggest feeling I have right now is like an obligation that I have to do a lot for the world,” he said, while saying he can ‘find a way to do it’.


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