Studies show fear of death explodes phobias


Stress, phobias and manias are produced by the fear of dying, according to an interesting study. In this way, the brain is responsible for creating a system that badumes the protection of life. Therefore, fear is what creates a sense of permanence and meaning in life.

This research is known as Theory of Terror Management or TMT. It is the responsibility to answer the question of overwhelming anxiety. Specialists detail that the inevitable and the uncertainty before death are capable of triggering countless fears and phobias.

The theory in question serves to understand the influence of anxiety on human behavior. In addition to this, the importance of the feeling of identity and behavior that expresses before life.

Fear of death triggers anxiety

As a result, people manage their fear of death by creating a sense of permanence. Humans generally live according to plans and personal and family projects. Photographs have been the way to create memories and ensure permanence.

Others cling to religions where the hope of a future life is granted.

It appears that all these behaviors serve to reinforce life. self-esteem and gives security to life. Death can feel distant and non-threatening.

In times of stress or tension or high state of health, the ways of dealing with problems are diverse. Some people develop inefficient and even pathological means because of their death fears. It is in these moments that phobias, fears and even sometimes irrational manias begin to develop.

As a result, various disorders are triggered, some fear of dying can cause them to take extreme forms of prevention. Some people wash their hands repeatedly for fear of being infected and dying. Others fear arachnids, mice and heights because they pose a risk to your life. Experts recommend that patients take therapies where they learn to cope with what will be inevitable one day.

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