Study: a quarter of an hour less sleep night performance the next day


Shortening the sleep routine by just 16 minutes during the work week significantly reduces work performance and increases the risk of workers having poor judgment and falling productivity the next day, as described by University researchers. South Florida (United States).

Lead author, Soomi Lee, Assistant Professor at the School of Ageing, and colleagues interviewed 130 healthy employees working in information technology and having at least one child of school age . Participants reported that when they slept 16 minutes less than normal and had poor quality sleep, they had more cognitive problems the next day. This has increased their stress levels, particularly with regard to work-life balance issues, which forced them to go to bed early and wake up earlier because fatigue.

"These cyclical badociations reflect the fact that employee sleep is vulnerable to daily cognitive stress and also contributes to stressful cognitive experiences," says Lee. "The results of this study provide empirical evidence of why companies should deploy more effort to promote your employees' sleep: those who sleep well can achieve better results at work through greater ability to stay focused on the task with fewer mistakes and interpersonal conflicts. "

The researchers also compared workdays to weekends and confirmed that the consequences of sleeping less are not so obvious when you have a day off at work the day after, as published in "Sleep Health," the newspaper of the United Nations National Foundation. Dream of the United States.


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