Study gives YouTube an increase in the number of people who think the Earth is flat – 18/02/2019


The main driver of the increase in the number of people who believe in the crazy theory that The earth is flat it would be neither more nor less Youtube, according to a study by researchers at Texas Tech University.

Asheley Landrum, who led the study, interviewed participants at a terraplanists meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 2017. Of the 30 respondents, 29 responded that, although they believed up to ### 39 to recently that Earth was round, changed your mind after seeing videos who promote conspiracy theories on YouTube.

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Interviews revealed that most had watched videos about other conspiracies, with alternative plans for the September 11th bombing of Sandy Hook School and NASA actually going to the moon when YouTube offered them videos on the flat Earth so that they can see them next.

Terraplanistas company logo (Wikimedia)

Terraplanistas company logo (Wikimedia)

Landrum explained that one of the most popular terraplanist videos, "200 tests that the Earth is not a spinning ball," seems to be effective because it offers arguments that appeal to many mental configurations, from those who study the Bible and conspiracy theorists to those who have more inclination. scientist, according to The Guardian.

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The researcher presented the results of her work at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC, and said she did not believe YouTube was acting openly. wrongbut what if the site wanted modify it, it is necessary that modify your algorithm to show more accurate information.

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"There's a lot useful information on YouTube, but also a lot of misinformation, "he said. Its algorithms make it easy to venture into the rabbit burrow, presenting information to people who are going to be more apt to her, "he said.

The psychologist said that even though "It's not necessarily harmful" that there are people who believe that the Earth is flat, this is accompanied by a growth "mistrust in authorities and institutions ".

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In addition, Landrum asked scientists and other people create their own videos on YouTube to fight the proliferation of conspirators. "We do not want YouTube to be full of videos saying" Those are all the reasons why the Earth is flat ". We need other videos explaining why these reasons are not real and "here are many ways to do research for yourself""He concluded.


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