Study the links between the author of the New Zealand massacre and an Austrian supremacist organization


The Austrian Government is considering the possibility of dissolve the identity movement (IBO), an organization supremacist who received a donation from Brenton Tarrant, the author of the terrorist mbadacre in Christchurch (New Zealand) who confessed himself.

This was reported to the press by Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz after a meeting of his cabinet on Wednesday, two days after the authorities recorded the Viennese housing of the leader of this right-wing organization, Martin Sellner.

The operation took place on the order of the prosecutor's office in Graz who investigated Sellner on the charge of "participation in a terrorist organization".

The Austrian far right Martin Sellner at a ceremony in 2016. Photo: AFP.
The Austrian far right Martin Sellner at a ceremony in 2016. Photo: AFP.

Sellner admitted having received a few months ago a donation of 1500 euros in the name of Tarrant, the Australian who mbadacre of 50 faithful in two mosques on March 15th.

In a video, Sellner stated that he had no contact with Tarrant and that he had only sent a thank you letter.

While admitting that justice still had to close his investigations, Kurz had promised to fight "with the greatest rigor of the law" the extremist ideologies.
"There is no tolerance for dangerous ideologies, no matter where they come from," warned Kurz, leader of the conservative People's Party (ÖVP), which governs the Alpine republic in coalition with the party. liberal right wing (FPÖ).

Vice Chancellor and Head of the FPÖ, Heinz-Christian Strache, also badured that the authorities would do their utmost to clarify the possible links between the Australian terrorist and the Sellner movement.

Last week, the Austrian authorities confirmed that Tarrant had visited Austriaperhaps at the end of last November, during a trip to Europe, but the details of his visit are unknown.

New Zealanders pay tribute to the victims of the Islamophobic mbadacre in Christchurch. Photo: AP.
New Zealanders pay tribute to the victims of the Islamophobic mbadacre in Christchurch. Photo: AP.

Sellner, a right wing active in several European countries, chartered in 2017 a ship that was trying to prevent NGO boats from saving immigrants and refugees adrift.

The Ultras ship was detained in Cyprus in the summer of 2017 and the captain was arrested and then released to have Sri Lankan illegal refugees on board and forged documents.

Finally, the ship and her crew from Sri Lanka were abandoned by the right-wing extremists and the Red Cross had to help them in Barcelona in October 2017 because they were without resources or fuel.


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