Stupor in Italy: a DNA test confirms that an English teacher had a child with his 13-year-old pupil



ROME.- Finally, what everyone suspected was confirmed. An expected DNA test certified that the father of the baby of a 35 year old woman, married and mother of another 7 year old child, is the student, now aged 15 years old, to whom he gave private lessons in English.

The news was the epilogue of a
A scandal that moves for days the city of Prato, near Florence, central Italy. It is there that the woman, who works as a nurse, has been accused by the family of her pupil, child of a family friend, of badual violence against a minor.

Beyond the fact that the DNA test, performed by crossing the baby's data, confirmed the paternity of the student, the prosecutor of Prato said that there was still much to clarify about it worthy of film, which had great impact in Italy.

In particular, you should try to know when the first badual relationship between the teacher and the student rises, which is essential from the point of view of the legal consequences: the person responsible for a badual act, although that consensual, with a teenager who has not yet fulfilled his obligations. Indeed, 14 years are punished with the same penalties provided for badual violence.

Yesterday, the woman, who voluntarily submitted to the DNA test and always said that she was innocent, appeared before the magistrates to give her version of the facts. She entered through a secondary door of the building to avoid the media, accompanied by her husband.

According to Italian media, just during the interrogation, which lasted three hours, one of the prosecutors informed him that the result of the DNA test performed in a laboratory had arrived. Then he lowered his head and went through a moment of crisis, but then continued to answer questions about his first meetings with his student, when he had started giving private English clbades two years ago.

"Maximum caution is necessary because three minors must be kept: the newborn, the student and the other son of our client," said women's defense lawyers.

The prosecution will interview in the coming days friends of the teacher who, according to the complaint filed by the boy's family, would have revealed to him his secret, namely that the baby was the student who was teaching the # 39; English.

According to
Corriere della Serathe husband was probably aware of the relationship and understood that the second child was not his. "And now what happens, can I lose my son?", He asked last Friday, when his wife had given his consent for the DNA test. This is an unanswerable interrogative because, in truth, the student's family could initiate an action in recognition of paternity and legal action. But since the baby's father is a minor and is under the age of 16, it would be up to a judge to settle the case.


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