Sturzenegger acknowledged that Macri had not managed to control inflation


Faced with the unrestrained price increase during the management of Cambiemos, the former president of the central bank (BCRA) Federico Sturzenegger acknowledged that the economic legacy received by the president, Mauricio Macri, does not represent an excuse to escape a failure in this matter. In addition, he stated that setting targets was a mistake of the government.

The former manager badyzed the country's economic situation in an article he wrote for the Washington-based Brookings Institution in the United States. In the text, he acknowledged that the goal of inflation that was meant to reach under his direction was "aggressiveUltimately, the fault lies with the policies decided: the deterioration of fiscal policy in the first place, then the choice to bet on growth in the short term, even to the detriment of monetary institutions and inflation " , Sturzenegger is disputed.


The dollar opened the week higher and closed at $ 58.15


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