Submission to the government of a proposal for measuring poverty – 02/10/2019


Mauricio Macri had asked that the evaluation of his management be effective to reduce poverty. The latest measure of the INDEC has increased and it is estimated that the next, in March and the second half of 2018, will continue to increase. Even when it seeks to increase the weight of security on the agenda, the government is preparing for confront the discussion in the campaign on this point. The goal will be to focus on work such as sewers and programs such as early childhood, in order to maintain the goal of structural reduction of poverty, beyond the current growth due to the deterioration of the economy.

The preponderance of revenues or the impact of aspects whose progress will in any case be medium and long term. differences within the government on the method of measurement of poverty. A change this year has been dismissed by critics who would imply to implement it before the elections, although a council chaired by Carolina Stanley has begun evaluations of this type as a test. Jorge Todesca, Director of INDEC, defends the current measure in terms of revenues.

Even though they suggest that the countryside is moving as far as possible by other ways, at Casa Rosada, they are preparing arguments about the economy and poverty. "We must not stop giving the debate.Increase is a debt, but we have put the issue on the agenda and in many points it has been advanced, that are those who do not measure and have to do with the quality of life of people, "said a senior official Clarin. Something of this discursive line expressed Macri, Maria Eugenia Vidal and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in South Dock, in the act for the work that provides sewers to more than four million people.

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Todesca thought about the measure based on income and marked her "International comparability", On the multidimensional approach." Because the level of development of this institute is not the right method. It has an intellectual density, but not a correlate of the methodological density. Taking a midway shortcut wastes public resources"Said the head of INDEC to Clarin.

The official said the agency measured housing characteristics, access to sewers and other services, medical coverage and education in a complementary wayalthough without a consolidated international method, the unification of a figure would be taken as arbitrary. "This does not mean that the works have not improved the living conditions, but changing structural indicators takes time"He badured.

"Poverty Zero" was one of the central axes of the Macri campaign in 2015 and, before the parliamentary elections of 2017, he returned to the following theme: "If I can not reduce it, I will fail."

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According to the latest data published by the INDEC, corresponding to the first half of 2018, poverty went from 25.7% to 27.3% and indigence from 4.8% to 4.9%. In its announcement, Macri ensured that the next indices, in March and September, would also indicate "Chess".

The current methodology seeks to determine whether household income covers the basic food basket (indigent line) and other non-food basic consumption (poverty line), according to the ongoing household survey. At the request of the Government, INDEC technicians badyzed the systems of Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Bhutan. and Pakistan, countries with multidimensional measures.

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Stanley advocates a more comprehensive approach that takes into account structural issues. "Poverty it is not only measurable by income, we understand it in a multidimensional way. We must tackle it urgently, because hunger does not wait, but there is also a transformation work in the medium and long term, "said the Minister of Social Development in December .

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Multidimensional badyzes include indicators of housing, services, education, employment, social protection and health. The National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies, chaired ad honorem by Stanley, led by Gabriela Agosto and head of the National Early Childhood Program, advanced with such measures as a test. For the first half of 2018, the percentage of poverty 28.9%, more than one point more than the INDEC. "The indices are not comparable, they measure different problems", They have maintained at the Council.

For the moment, the INDEC will keep recipes at the center of concerns, the Council will continue testing and the discussion will mark a milestone next year with the new national census. During the campaign, Macri will try to explain the unfavorable result of the evaluation that he himself requested.


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