Such a powerful volcano has erupted | the Chronicle


For Marcelo Peralta Martinez
[email protected]

A new natural phenomenon surprised mankind when in Hawaii, a strong earthquake sparked the fury of the Kilauea volcano. Once again, nature surprises man and undermines his security. Due to the strong movement, the fury of the volcano has been unleashed and the city is in danger.

For this reason, authorities in Isla Grande, Honolulu, have asked residents to take shelter in their homes due to the shocking amount of ash “raining” from the volcano. The shocking situation began when an earthquake of 4.4 on the Richter scale rocked the city and soon after the volcano’s activity began, which was recorded in the Halema’uma ‘crater. u.

The news had a global impact when social media was officially reproduced, from the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park account, where a huge tide of red smoke could be seen covering the sky.

Meanwhile, the Hawaii Weather Service has warned of what could become a “significant emission” of volcanic lava into the atmosphere, a situation which “pollutes the environment” and this forecast has forced local authorities to ask the whole population who remain refugees at home to avoid “health conflicts”.


The details of the case were provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS by its acronym in English). The report states that “an eruption started in the summit caldera of Kilauea” shortly after 9:30 p.m. (07:30 GMT) “.

In addition, the USGS warned that due to the high winds, there would be a chance that they would carry the ashes southwest of Isla Grande, affecting other areas. For its part, the aforementioned body reported that events are evolving at high speed and that more earthquakes have been recorded, at different scales since the first roar that shook the Earth. This is how the awakening of the volcano began, and later other earthquakes were reproduced with less intensity.


It was Twitter user @USGSVolcanoes, who provides official information and updates on all volcanic activity, who then posted a shocking video where you can see how lava is invading the area in seconds and under. an immense mass of energy. “View from the western edge of the Kilauea Caldera.

Lava gushes out of a crack in the northwest wall of Halema uma u crater and cascades into the deepest part of the crater, which had been occupied by a lake of water (now replaced by a lava lake in growth), ”said the USGS Volcaones tweet that surprised locals and strangers alike with the images shared live from an unprecedented shot. Finally, the Hawaii Volcano Observatory (HVO) issued various statements because it had information to inform the population of the progression of the powerful phenomenon.

For the moment the conditions of the seismic activity have stopped while the neighbors and the authorities pray that the volcanic phenomenon puts an end to its imposing activity.


Erupting regularly since the 1950s, Hawaii declared a state of emergency in 2014 after incandescent lava from Kilauea burned down a house and threatened the entire eastern town of Pahoa. Four years later, the Big Island reactivated the alert after a volcanic eruption destroyed more than 700 homes.

At that time, lava flowed for four months. Experts say Kilauea spilled so much material that it could have filled 320,000 Olympic swimming pools. On the other hand, the mighty volcano is the biggest tourist attraction in Hawaii, an archipelago located in the Pacific with a hundred small volcanic islands.


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