Such are the cruel experiences of a laboratory with monkeys, cats and dogs


Organizations Soko Tierschutz and Cruelty Free International shared images captured by an infiltrator in a center experimenting with animals to make drugs. The authorities are now investigating these practices. Images may affect the sensitivity of the player.

Monkeys living in cubic cubes and held by the neck can be subjected to experiments. Cats with bare legs to clean syringes and injections. Exhausted dogs in cages full of blood.

These are some of the hard images that Soko Tierschutz and the Cruelty Free International activists have revealed about the reality of life in a lab experimenting with animals in Germany. A member of these organizations managed to infiltrate the pharmacology and toxicology laboratory, denouncing abusive practices against the animals with which the drugs were tested.

To integrate

"We think the magnitude of this abuse and the unimaginable suffering of cats, dogs and monkeys is illegal.However, this is the reality of laboratory animal life and can not continue a minute longer. ", they say Cruelty Free International in a statement on his website that collect signatures against these practices.

After contacting the authorities, the organizations began investigating the laboratory's activities, according to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, a newspaper that initially revealed the situation.

This controversy is now happening in Germany, while Brussels is precisely at the heart of the European Union's concerns after urging member countries to adopt Directive 2010/63, which obliges to reduce the number of animal experiments. . adequate transposition of these measures.

The German prosecutor's office has already opened an investigation after receiving several prosecutions in this regard, according to the newspaper El País. However, on the part of the institution, they warn that the process can last several months and that all the images captured, despite the cruelty that they may reveal, do not necessarily constitute crimes or violations of the law. legislation.



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