Suicide in the forests of Belgium? The “Belgian Rambo” found dead after a month of hunting


The Belgian federal prosecutor reported on Sunday the discovery of a body in a wooded area in the north of the country and confirmed that “the first elements of the investigation” suggest that Jürgen Conings, the armed far-right soldier who had threatened a well-known virologist in the country and had been faded away.

In a statement, the prosecution indicates that the body was found in the forests around the town of Dilsen-Stockem, border with the Netherlands and considers the probable cause of death to be suicide by firearm, although they clarified that forensic testing has yet to determine.

Authorities do not plan to provide more official data at this time, and have asked for the privacy of the family.

A Belgian police car leaves the place where the body was found.  Photo: AFP

A Belgian police car leaves the place where the body was found. Photo: AFP

A strong smell

According to the Flemish regional media Het Belang van Limburg, it is the mayor of a neighboring municipality, Johan Tollenaere, who does nototó an olor fuerte while I was cycling mountain in the Dilserbos forest and alerted the police with their contact details.

Belgian security forces had been looking for Connings, a 46-year-old soldier, since May 17. far right heavily armed and was already on a list of 30 far-right military security services considered potential terrorist threats.

On May 17, the soldier left the barracks where he was working armed with rocket launcher, submachine gun, pistol and bulletproof vest and did not return home, which set off the alarms and triggered the search.

The place of facts.  Photo: dpa

The place of facts. Photo: dpa

The next day, his car was located, without license plates and with several heavy weapons inside, near the Hoge Kempen Nature Park, where the first investigations were concentrated, followed by excavations in the military’s environment, that the authorities consider a serious threat for safety in light of the evidence gathered.

Connings had threatened various political figures and, more particularly, al virologo Marc Van Ranst, who became known in Belgium for his public profile during the management of the coronavirus pandemic and had to be placed under surveillance with his family after the disappearance of the soldier.

anti-tank shells

Anti-tank shells and ammunition had been found in Conings’ car.

An image of the shaved and tattooed Jurgen Conings has been circulating media and social media for days. The security forces had warned the population that this individual was unstable and that he was armed.

The soldier’s last Twitter post stated that “threats (from the police) they have no effect on me “.

The Belgian press harshly criticized the negligence of the authorities, Conings had access to weapons several weeks after the threats.

The Threat Analysis Coordination Unit knew the soldier’s intentions, but he did not order his arrest.



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