Summer 2021: how to prepare your car for the holidays


After a year of quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic, summer is an opportunity for many Argentines to take a few days of vacation.

In a different summer, the ‘new normal’ will lead to extreme care personnel and hygiene. And while it is always important to be careful with the car, this turn you must strengthen precautions and controls because for many months the vehicle was used less than usual.

Gabriel Méndez, vice-president of Neumen, a chain of integral services for the automotive sector, proposes a series of recommendations and advises to take into account the following elements controls in the car before going on the road:

Controls in the car before hitting the road.  Photo: Neumen

Controls in the car before hitting the road. Photo: Neumen

1. Tires: check for wear and pressure. All tires (including the spare wheel) must be in perfect condition before setting off on a trip and must be suitable for the type of terrain to be covered.

Regarding the required depth, the legal limit is 1.6 mm. But it is recommended that the drawing exceed 2mm.

The tires can be inflated with nitrogen, as this gas keeps the inflation pressure stable for a longer time, prevents irregular wear and reduces fuel consumption, among other benefits.

2. Alignment and balancing: tires should be rotated, aligned and balanced every 10,000 km. This avoids the problems of vibrations, instability or tendency to drift of the vehicle.

3. Shock absorbers: It is advisable to change the shock absorbers in pairs for correct operation. Its function is to control the movements of the suspension, springs and / or spring. It is vital for the safety of the car and its drivers. It is recommended to change them every 60,000 km.

4. Brakes: check the entire brake system. Pay close attention to the hood, pads, pads and discs.

5. Air conditioning: its operation must be checked and recharged with ecological gas.

6. Other tips Things to consider before setting off on the route: check the maximum speeds for each zone where you are traveling; bring the full documentation of the car and each member of the family; always wear the seat belt and, in the case of infants and children, the seat; Packages and baggage must be securely stowed so as not to compromise the safety of passengers or interfere with the driver’s visibility and maneuverability.


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